D.I. Input Impedance


Apr 25, 2011
Ahoy there,
I'm sorry if these questions have been repeated somewhere else in the forum, I tried using the search feature, but its a bugger how it doesn't allow terms shorter than 3 letters, with D.I. being only 2 it was a bit hard haha.

A) I've read that an "instrument input" on an M Audio Fast Track Pro has an input impedance of >220k Ohm.

To my understanding this is utterly insufficient for recording guitars direct, as they require a higher impedance to avoid getting an inaccurate freq response.

To alleviate this I've read that an outboard D.I. box would provide a high impedance input to get a true tone from the pups.

Now my question is: To intergrate this into my rig, i'd run the D.I's. (for example a countryman type 85) output into the front of the fast track pro. Would i still lose signal integrity from the line inputs of the fast track pro? If so, what would I lose?

B) I know that guitars lose alot of high frequencies from impedance issues, but I've also noticed when i record bass d.i. tracks they seem quite lacking in the low frequencies as well, would this also be because of impedance missmatching?

Thanks in advance for any responses :)
DI's are meant to keep you from loosing the signal. The whole idea of a DI is that if you are loosing signal from a low impedance, it will match the impedance to what it needs to be to stop signal loss.

And fair warming as this happens quite frequently, its obvious that you haven't read the FAQ which is a requirement for all new people around here, some people get really upset when the new guys don't read the FAQ/Rules before they post. One of the first links in the FAQ is a link to a Google custom Sneap Forum Search where you can use any words you want, so you can search things like "DI" etc.
DI's are meant to keep you from loosing the signal. The whole idea of a DI is that if you are loosing signal from a low impedance, it will match the impedance to what it needs to be to stop signal loss.

And fair warming as this happens quite frequently, its obvious that you haven't read the FAQ which is a requirement for all new people around here, some people get really upset when the new guys don't read the FAQ/Rules before they post. One of the first links in the FAQ is a link to a Google custom Sneap Forum Search where you can use any words you want, so you can search things like "DI" etc.

Thanks for the response dude, but if your refering to "Preparing your tracks for reamping" - Glenn Fricker, I've already read it. It was a very informative guitde, but it didnt answer all my questions, like the 2 above.

It doesnt say if a D.I, when plugged into the line input of an interface, will have any loss of signal from a mediocoreINTERFACE INPUT. It also doesnt say WHAT actually happens from impedance missmatching (high and low pass, signal to noise ratios, compression or whatever), which what i was asking in my 2nd question.

Thanks though about the FAQ things, I'm gunna get right into them hahah, I used to be on UG and theirs never seemed to have anything THAT good so i didn't see the immediate need. Now i do so im gunna get stuck into them now.

And thanks also for not flaming :)
Btw, just a random question, but is there an easy way to find out if anyones commented on threads you've taken part in (commented, started etc)?
Btw, I've been diving through the 17 pages of comments on the reamp guide and your posts have really been helping. You know your shit! :D I really wanna try out that formula, but i cant find any specs for my pickups (PRS 57\08), so i have no idea about their ohmage :\