Greetings to everybody, I am another die-hard DT fan like all of you.
I think there is an interesting topic to discuss: what do you think about those Dark Tranquillity covers made by Ethereal Spawn and Symphony Of Darkness?
SoD are from Russia, so I feel abit ashamed for my country
Ethereal Spawn were way better but they did not have a tenth of DT delivery, so the cover wasn't interesting either.
What do you all think? It's also interesting to hear DT members opinions, I wish Niklas cared to answer
Greetings to everybody, I am another die-hard DT fan like all of you.
I think there is an interesting topic to discuss: what do you think about those Dark Tranquillity covers made by Ethereal Spawn and Symphony Of Darkness?
SoD are from Russia, so I feel abit ashamed for my country

What do you all think? It's also interesting to hear DT members opinions, I wish Niklas cared to answer