D.T. covers


Oct 14, 2001
Greetings to everybody, I am another die-hard DT fan like all of you.
I think there is an interesting topic to discuss: what do you think about those Dark Tranquillity covers made by Ethereal Spawn and Symphony Of Darkness?
SoD are from Russia, so I feel abit ashamed for my country :confused: Ethereal Spawn were way better but they did not have a tenth of DT delivery, so the cover wasn't interesting either.
What do you all think? It's also interesting to hear DT members opinions, I wish Niklas cared to answer :)
sadly i don't know any dt album except 'projector', but what i've heard so far impresses me a lot. the songs on this album are very intense and melodic, and i would like to get hold on the other ones as well. where should i start? any tips for me?

thx in advance :)
actually rhavin is the correct answer XD
can't see other talented guys (as so many running out there are) writing dt material...

to vultureculture, get Haven and then follow the chain backwards and I hope you'll get pretty amazed :P
I heard the Symphony of Darkness song, and I think it really sucks !!!!

:cry: it does, man. it really does. Folks, do you think that it is POSSIBLE to record a DT cover and not to spoil the song you chose for it? And to my mind it has nothing to do with the your musical skills. All Dark Tranquillity songs have a unique atmosphere, which I am sure no other band could reproduce. But if you play it another, your own way, won't you spoil the whole matter? :confused: