D20 - BYD Tone Test (Axe Fx, S2.0)


May 19, 2008
Hey everyone,
Lately i have been really into the band Bury Your Dead. I thought that i would give it a shot at emulating their tone from their newest album "It's Nothing Personal". Guitars were my Schecter C1 Blackjack with EMG 81/85 pickups tuned down to drop A with a .046 into the 5150 model with the Metal 4X12 cab. A T808 Mod was the drive pedal before the amp as well. Bass was my Spector into the SVT model.

Hope this is close!

Let me know what you think?

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1046513/D20 - Hurting Not Helping Tone Test.mp3

New mix and reworked guitar patch: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1046513/D20 - Hurting Not Helping Cover 2.mp3
I liked the original guitar tone more in the intro, but I think the second one works better in the mix. Some slap (or maybe knock? Click? I dunno) about the kick that I don't like. It sounds like it's clipping a lot, though, you can especially hear it in the intro. That could also be why I don't like the second guitar tone as much in the intro.

But overall it's sounding pretty good (although it's pretty damn loud!). Just tone down the clipping/limiting a little.