d_skins to protect those import and rare CD's...

Steve M

Surasshu Metaru
Feb 1, 2002
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
a while ago, the company i work for started carrying this things called d_skins. basically they're thin plastic rim and a thin sheet of plastic. you slap it on a cd and leave it on there... and it protects it for scratches and whatnot. only downside is that you CANNOT use them with the car stereo-style players where you slide the disc in the little slot.

you can get 20 of em for about $20 bucks or 5 for $7. you can find em at gamestop for sure... eb games, best buy and circut shitty too probably.

I don't know how some people get their CDs so fucked up. I've got hundreds of CDs, and the only times I had to replace one was due to a defect on the disc.

Some of my discs have tiny scratches on them, but my Pioneer CD player will play them all (because it's not a Sony CD player).
ThraxDude said:
I don't know how some people get their CDs so fucked up. I've got hundreds of CDs, and the only times I had to replace one was due to a defect on the disc.

Some of my discs have tiny scratches on them, but my Pioneer CD player will play them all (because it's not a Sony CD player).

You, like myself, must be anal about your cd's. I worry about letting anyone even borrow mine.
Thanks Steve. I think I'll pick some up.

Thra:rofl:ue(Tadius Maximus) - If you drink CD's can get get screwed up, if you have kids 'nuff said and if some asshole steals $500 - $600 dollars worth than you have to replace them. and oh the re-releases that have b-sides you never got on vinyl (or even if you did) may cause this. :D :kickass: :headbang:
Use a piece of cling wrap, seal it and it does the same thing. Of course you still cant use it in a car stereo . Just figured I'd clue you all in so you can save the money for another copy of G.O.T.E.. Youre cheapo friends need one for Christmas.