Daath Video


Super Rad Member
Dec 13, 2005
Roadrunner have posted the original video for Daath's track "Festival Mass Soulform" online here. Daath will release their Roadrunner debut "The Hinderers" on March 20th.
roadrunner rulez, good vid :)
i drove up to ATL and lent the producer, Colin Quinn, my Canon GL2 cam and he borrowed an identical one from someone else, so it was a two camera shoot... done in the basement of one of the band members with the items used to create the set purchased mostly from Wal Mart.... black sheets, work lights, steel tubing, etc.... originally this was my mix and i think it still is... not sure if they re-synced it with CR's mix or not because i'm just listening on my laptop speakers. it was an interesting experience anyway and though, as some of you have noted here, it's not a totally pro level production it's still amazing to me how good it came out for the ultra-low (make that nearly non-existent) budget that Colin had to work with. i think he did a great job considering.
Well, considering it is low budget then that was a good job. Of course what isn't low budget in metal :heh:

The mix is tight as sh*t, can't wait to hear the album. Did they use the Uberschall(in the video) on the original tracks James?
Well, considering it is low budget then that was a good job. Of course what isn't low budget in metal :heh:

The mix is tight as sh*t, can't wait to hear the album. Did they use the Uberschall(in the video) on the original tracks James?

If you notice, there's a metric fuckton of amps/cabs in the video.

Original tracks were with Dual Rec, and from what I can tell, only double tracked?
This video looks good considering the budget. And considering 90% of metal videos consist of bands playing in a dark places, it's ok I guess .

James, was this your mix? I've had a 10 song leak of the record for a month or two now, the mix is the same as it is in the video... man, you did a fucking great job on this one! I can't understand why was there the need for another mix at all. Honestly - it sounds awesome, how more awesome must it it get?
And since I get the chance be to tell you this now - been a fan of yours since Cause of Death, typing this out makes me feel kind of funny, but whatever. Also, your guest solo is fantastic, absolutely impossible to miss - I remember listening to the leak for the first time with a bandmate and both of us went "Hello Mr.Murphy!" at that point haha. All right now, enough fandom, eagerly awaiting the CD, love the band.
yeah, the 10 song leak is my mix, and it was a quad tracked dual rec on the guitars. glad you liked my mix. i've heard some of CR's mix for the new version of the CD (8 of the original 10 songs plus 5 newer tracks i recorded for them middle of last year-ish) and it is very good. Glad you liked the solo.
finally got around to watching this. I actually like the video alot, creative use of editing and I really dig the close-up kick pedal/drum shots.

Can't wait to hear the rest..