Dale Resteghini new COB video

Well I don't get it, is all the red dots suppose to be one letter each? Cause then I think the second word is Children. I don't get the hint.. there's 4 red dots before Child and 3 red dots after the word..maybe they mean that the album is named Child-something. MAYBE SELF TITLED?! :O:O:O:OO: or not. With the current lyrical themes an self titled album is an impossibility.
I don't even get the hint if it's as I said, the dots resemble letters, then it's a two-word title, or if it's a one word title starting with ''Child'' If the album starts with child I see no other words than Children.
Normally ellipses are 3 dots. It could be a typo and it's indeed Child-3 letters and not 4 letters-child

But all of this is to vague. I rather just read the title.
:lol: at the Child speculation. It's just Facebook shortening the post, just click on it for the full story ffs :lol:

Thanks sleeper! Can't wait for the video to be aired, I want to know what they're up to. A making off like with Smile Pretty For The Devil would be cool too.
I think it looks cool, I mean it not like the other videos of just the band playing and random idiotic stuff happens in the background or is shot other places. It actually has something to do with the band and their interests.
I think it looks cool, I mean it not like the other videos of just the band playing and random idiotic stuff happens in the background or is shot other places. It actually has something to do with the band and their interests.

Yeah, I totally support this idea, if it's what they wanna do. Needled 24/7, AYDY, Blooddrunk, Smilex videos were all gay as hell, because the band let some gay chick do her 'art.' That makes me gasp my breath in anger. It's Alexi's music and no fucking chick should be allowed to tell him what's gonna be on the video. That one lady was like telling his 12 year old son "Alexi, you will not wear the pink guitar in the video, the internet said it was gay." Ballerinas, emos and cops, ghosts with fagness beyond comprehension, lesbian mummies... WHAT THE FUCK?! Looking Out My Backdoor was genious. :zzz: Downfall would be one of the awesomest music videos if they only shot it in the green lighting with the band playing (in real time) and gave Henkka something else than an orange bass.

I think snowboarding would fit COB's music better than skateboarding, but let's see how it's like.. :Spin: It can't be an overly serious song. Imagine skateboarding in an In Your Face video, it obviously wouldn't work, so maybe this song is melodic like Shovel Knock Out.
I think it looks cool, I mean it not like the other videos of just the band playing and random idiotic stuff happens in the background or is shot other places. It actually has something to do with the band and their interests.

I think that skateboarding is just that "idiotic stuff happening in the background". I wouldn't want to have gay blowjob happening on a Watain music video just because the band members were interested in that kind of thing (just an example). I'm not saying that the new CoB video will surely suck, but It surely won't be amazing either. It's probably bit like Needled 24/7; playing parts might be cool, but the circus/skateboarding stuff looks dumb. Of course you can't say if you've not seen it, but I'm still quite certain I won't like it (not that I care much anyway). But ultimately maybe it's better to have at least something happening in the video other than just playing, since a video would be quite "useless" with just that.

Needled 24/7, AYDY, Blooddrunk, Smilex videos were all gay as hell, because the band let some gay chick do her 'art.' That makes me gasp my breath in anger. It's Alexi's music and no fucking chick should be allowed to tell him what's gonna be on the video. That one lady was like telling his 12 year old son "Alexi, you will not wear the pink guitar in the video, the internet said it was gay." Ballerinas, emos and cops, ghosts with fagness beyond comprehension, lesbian mummies... WHAT THE FUCK?!

Those videos were obviously gay, but merely because of a bad director. I'm quite sure that most musicians (Alexi included) wouldn't be able to produce their own videos. At least the directors should have "the vision". After all world is full of good or decent music videos, CoB has just had bad luck with directors. By the way, might it be a coincidence, that Deadnight Warrior, Downfall, Everytime I Die and Sixpounder are their only good videos, and they are all directed by a finnish director?
There's not much mythical or deep about skateboarding, but it's adrenaline and the cool thing is they actually have the band now inside the thing's going on, skateboarders jumping over Alexi when he's soloing, the band playing in the skating area. You didn't have that in the other videos where it was half of the time the band playing and half of the time a stupid story, in different locations. I really hope they include Alexi trying out at least one trick. They seemed to have this thing with skateboards lit on fire.. let's see how that turns out.
Well I used to skate when i was like 14-16, but thats almost a decade ago. if it got something to do with the song, im all behind the idea, but if they did this just because it would look "awesome" its just as bad as the needle video, which was gay as fuck! Would love to see a behind the video scene or two were bodom members drink and skate. :P
I'm sorry, but did I read that Deadnight Warrior is a GOOD video??? What exactly is good about it? The bad quality of the filming? The stupid colours? The at most hilarious scene of Alexi with the knife? Janne with a hood rap style? The blurrs at the end? Ale jumping around like a happy hippo? The really poor sync of the solo (when the solo ends Alexi's still playing)? I've always thought DW video was just ridiculous.
The reality is, the only good things EVER about any COB music videos are:

1) the green lights in Downfall
2) the Sixpounder video, partly
3) the Everytime I Die video if you shut your eyes when the Reaper is on screen

EVERYTHING else about the videos sucks. Band playing? That's the band playing, it looks good yes, but the thanks for that goes to the band, not the video maker.