Damage Done ~ Thumbs Up!


Logic Dictates
Oct 20, 2001
Pittsburgh, Pa
Let me begin by saying that this is the first time that I have ever listened to or purchased this actual genre of metal music. I say this because DT does not sound similiar to other metal groups that I admire: Opeth, Agalloch, Tool, Symphony X, Dream Theater, ISIS, etc. So, when I began to listen to Damage Done, the first thing that I noticed was these guys have a style which was different to my ear. Naturally, at first I didn't get into this cd, but like other very good cds, I knew that they had something...I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew. So, with each listen, I gained a bit more understanding of just what these guys were trying to do with their music...then the "getting it" began to take place. First, I got both the treason wall & format c: - Then I enjoyed the first track, final resistance...then they all began to make sense to me, and now I enjoy basically every track, especially damage done, cathode reay sunshine & ex nihile.

To simply put it...I much delighted to have delved into this type of music and am much impressed with this band. I have no regrets whatsoever in purchasing this cd.

Thumbs Up!
:) you know, it's always a joy to hear the tale of a new fan of dark tranquillity. :)

however, i'm sorry to inform you that since now you like dt, you can't vote anymore in the "battle of the bands" polls on the chat forum, the ones aiming to decide which band is the most liked on ultimatemetal: having any preference at all is strictly forbidden, since it might prejudice the total evenness of result. :p

What is even better than their music is Mikeal's stage presence and his attitude. The dude totally gets into the audience and (at lease seems) to enjoy meeting the people afterwards. I missed In Flames just so I could meet them.
and isnt it great knowing there are many other DarkTranquillity cds that you have yet to listen and enjoy?
get Projector next :)
@Infernal: Yeah well, Niklas and Mikael agreed that it would now be better if Mikael wrote the lyrics, since he is the one who sings them... Or so I read. (In some vague interview, but okay..)

Ej hullo JCP :grin: