Damage Done

Originally posted by The infernal demon skull

Another ? are inside the booklet, there does it show (in the order the titels are shown) that Ex Nihilo are song no. 11 and White noise / Black silence are song no. 12, while in reality it's the other way around. Can it be so that it is a aesthetic thought behind that? ;)

ummmm yepps thats really pretty strange! The same on my CD. And besides I can´t open that video track :(
I do have Quicktime installed. Actually I have a Mac... but when I insert the CD into my drive it asks for being re-formatted and then it shows only the audio tracks and not the video one... :(
but I´ll check for the Quicktime version again, thanks for the tipp!
Originally posted by exorial
NicktheClayman and Xpet

I respect that you guys both dig Projector and Haven. The music on Projector was good, though I couldn't stand Stanne's clean vocals. I'm glad that they decided to do away with Stanne's cleans on Haven, but to me the music was totally uninspired. You must understand, I got into DT when The Gallery was released, and that will forever be the benchmark that I compare all other DT albums to, and since then, nothing has matched it. The amazing musicianship and killer vocals are nowhere to be found on Haven. Haven was almost completely forgettable and boring for me.

Which makes me extremely glad that DT have returned to what I liked about them so much on The Gallery. While DD is still not as great as The Gallery, I believe I'm starting to like it more than The Mind's I.

Though I havn't got Projector or DD yet (I'm getting DD as soon as possible), I too got "The Gallery" first...Haven in comparison I was dissapointed with...I agree that some parts are almost completely forgettable and boring...so hearing you're opinion on DD I'm even more keen to get it.:spin:
Yeeehaaa! I already got the album on July 20th, hehehe!
The album is truly great, eventhough a little rougher than haven and more straightforward - it takes a little time to get used to, but then: awwwww! The length errors at the endings of track 1 & 11 are a little disturbing, but not too much of a flaw....Maybe they could be posted in a "healthy" version on the DT Website or so....
I've been a huge DT Fan since over seven years, saw them live in Prague and Switzerland and they always rocked!! Guys, hope to see you damage us in the Z-7 in Switzerland! Rock on! :lol:
I don't know what to think about the album at this time.
I've listened to it four times, and I LOVE the songs "Final Resistance", "Hours Passed In Exile", "Monocromatic Stains", "The Treason Wall" and "Format C: For Cortex". The other seven songs I'm not TOO happy about, but they're not bad. I hope they will grow on me after a few more listenings.
But after all, it's a very proper album. I give it 8/10 for now.
Thelix - read my review on SonicDeath...it took me a couple of weeks for it to grow on me, I was unsure at first...I thought it was good but I wasn't connecting with it...it took a bit of time.
ok ok today my fucking record store had DD and now its mine
the only copy!!

but the only bad thing are these many bugs on it:
1. these 2 missing endings of final resistance and whitenoise/blacksilence
2.the wrong tracknames 11 and 10

3. the bonustrack I,deception seems not to be a bonustrack

4,and last but not least:
dark tranquillity uses a foreign ghostwriters on this album!!!judas !!
on the track cathode ray sunshine if your read the credits there is written brandström,jivarp and henri!!!!
they wrote this track together with their good friend henri from france!what a shame or luck cause this track rules!!

(dont take it to seriously*G*)
the whole album is a masterpiece,new swedish death metal for the new millenium
full with great melodies,guitars and vocals
my favorites are :hours passed in exile and white noise
these album will be the new standart for melodic death metal,modern and old-school at the same time
hard ,fast and full of emotions,feelings and beautiful colours

oh I love it
Just wanted to congratulate the band for doing it again... third album in a row that gets album of the year award from me... also thanks for the nice signing session in Gothenburg yesterday!
See you at Göteborgskalaset!! Helt enligt Rägglera!!

Originally posted by Franske Kocken
Just wanted to congratulate the band for doing it again... third album in a row that gets album of the year award from me... also thanks for the nice signing session in Gothenburg yesterday!
See you at Göteborgskalaset!! Helt enligt Rägglera!!

ha ha ,så det var du...:lol:
I make no judgements until the end of the year...

Damage Done isn't my favorite so far though, that honor goes to Soilwork's "Natural Born Chaos". Reroute to Remain and Damage Done are joint second.
Originally posted by Kovenant84
@Poet.... if by 'out' you mean 'floating around on the internet in various reincarnated versions of the original napster-type-thing, or on direct connect', then yes....its out....:)

Is it on CD? Thats what i meen i dont wanna d/l it though..

I like to buy my DT albums.. :cool:

I didn't get DD today either.
BUT... I got a photo with the DT boys on it and it was signed by all of them! I would like to propose a toast to Thelix here on the forum who was at the signing session and did that for me(made them sign)...And sent the photo all the way up to Norrland(where I live).....

So... cheers man!
I owe you one!