Damage Done cover...


May 16, 2004
I was just looking at the damage done cover, and I was wondering... what the heck is it??? Anybody know?
basically, it's mikael stanne holding his hands/arms over/on (you know what I mean...) his head. or at least that's who I've taken for granted it is, for some reason.
it's (more) obvious on live damage, but I did mean the DD cover.

(or is my imagination messing with me? :guh: )

edit: phew. thanks, siren.
Delirious and Siren are right: it is Mikael, crouching (or kneeling) and grasping his head with his hands. There's a line of "blood" going through his forehead and "exploding" behind, as if his brains were shot out or something. On some old thread there was this untouched photo, where you could clearly see Mikael. Someone care to dig that one up?

here's the pic:
It always looked to me like a guy whose head has been chopped off, his spine showing from neck up (dunno if that's realistic, not having seen many heads chopped off and all) after he's been decapitated.
It's kinda obvious that it's just Mikael holding his head, when you really look at it.
from related closed thread...
Naku ist krig said:
@magnum44: That is why i would never a raise a child with you. You would probably fuck her/him up badly with your nasty teaching techiques. I think guiding is better way to teach survival than leaving them cope by theirselves, all alone.
I would never leave a child of mine to cope with him or herself all alone, you bastard

And i am currently wearing just a towel, and wondering if i´ll continue posting these silly me -messages or drop half-dead as i have been for last few weeks.
What do you mean by 'drop half-dead'?