Damian performing on Radio Caroline


Whitebelt Ninja
Apr 19, 2001
Purmerend, Netherlands
Taken from the headspace site

Thank you to everyone who has offered me a sofa to stay on, I’m collecting addresses… matter of fact I’ll be having another sofa appeal this Friday the 12th of March 10:00-14:00 GMT on Radio Caroline where I will be playing live on the legendary ‘Barry James show’. He has very kindly got right behind this campaign and has been a tremendous support. Thank you also everyone who voted for me in the Classic Rock presents ‘Prog’ readers pole. It was a wonderful surprise that you thought of me.
Hello everybody. This is great news, but are there any plans for a new album? It has been 3 years since the last studio album and I would love to hear something new. Could not find anything about a new album tough...
Well there might be some devekopments coming, which i overheared Damian discussing. But i'll keep my vow of silence on that one.
Other than that the DWB DVD will be coming, but D'images are still busy sorting the viedeo's out. other than the recording of the DWB shows Damian also gave them a binbag with old videotapes. Amongst them Les Miserables footage...
An amazing 30 minutes of performance. I have to agree with Alex (as he stated on facebook) that 4 hours of radio show should have more than just 30 minutes of Damian in it!

Thank you Damian and Paul!

They played:
- She's like a fable
- When I leave this land
- Adam's child (not live, but off the album)
- Nothing left in me
- Warning light (Damian's personal pick played off the album)