Damn it!!

Sean Reinert is playing for Aeon Spoke (I think that's the name) with Paul Masvidal. Terribly uninteresting alterna-pop music, IMO. He said he got tired of metal and has pretty much distanced himself from it entirely. I do believe Ron tried to get him for Ink Compatible without any luck.

Nick Menza might be good, but I dunno if he's got the chops. He's always been solid, but nothing to get wet about, IMO. Plus, I think he's having knee problems these days.

I say go for Paul Bostaph. What's he up to since he left Slayer?
ThinkAboutYourEnd said:
You want someone with groove who isn't doing nothing right now, get Nick Menza, I've always liked his style and getting him out of retirement would be killer. Or like everyone else has mentioned, you should at least contact Richard Christy, maybe he's got the itch to play something now that he's been away a while, it doesn't hurt to ask. Shit, while you're at it, why not Vinnie Paul? He's in TX and he's got some great groove as well, he could be interested, you never know.
vinnie paul: good idea...

Nick menza would be okay.. by i think he is out of shape or something like that... that's why he isn't back with megadeth
jimbobhickville said:
I say go for Paul Bostaph. What's he up to since he left Slayer?

Paul's keeping busy with Exodus. Seems he's got a pretty stable position there for now, but he may have time in between tours and girlfriends :p

Paul is an awesome drummer, but IMHO too tight to really "groove". In any case, I'm missing the groove Tom Hunting brought to Exodus. It's too bad (Twisted/Trapped-era) Forbidden didn't last.
NeverMarty said:
Thinking about groove just brought another name to mind: Kirk Arrington. Don't know how busy he is with Metal Church or other Kurdt Vanderhoof projects right now, though.

I live in the Seattle area & I actually know him. I don't know if he'd be the right guy though.
Well, the drummers search is still on. So far, I have been in touch with Derek Roddy (Hate Eternal), Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater), Tomas Haake (Meshuggah), John Macaluso (Yngwie, George Lynch, Riot) and Van Williams (Nevermore). All very cool guys, some passed on the project, some are interested, and others it’s still up in the air. There are also some rather “unknown” players who are very confident that they can do the job. This was the case yesterday when I received an mp3 of a drummer in Pennsylvania. He did a damn good job with the Machinations tune that I sent him to work with, obviously all in one take, no edits.

As I mentioned before, I really appreciate all the recommendations and suggestions that you guys are giving me for the vacant drummer spot. Over the past two weeks, I’ve been on the net, downloading mp3s and videos of various drummers, and trying to make contact with players who I feel could pull this off. One thing I wanted to mention though is that if any of you have a direct contact with any of these drummers (namely Dirk Verbeuren of Soilwork, Hannes Grossman of Necrophagist, and Virgil Donati of Planet X), send me an email (ronjarz@satx.rr.com) with the info. The only time I have ever had any luck sending an email out of nowhere to a band’s website was with Daniel Gildenlow (Pain Of Salvation). I imagine that usually the webmaster will just ignore the email and not bother with it. And at this point, I don’t know who is totally out of the question, a long shot, or who is a strong possibility, so I’m considering just about anybody.

Also, I wanted to apologize about the website being down for nearly a week. I’ve been WAY over my limit for disk space at spasticink.com for nearly a year (to which ronjarzombek.com was forwarded), and was in serious need of a web hosting upgrade. And so all files are now at ronjarzombek.com. No files are currently forwarded or directed to spasticink.com. My email will also soon change to ron@ronjarzombek.com…

Many thanks,
ronjarz said:
So far, I have been in touch with Derek Roddy (Hate Eternal), Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater), Tomas Haake (Meshuggah), John Macaluso (Yngwie, George Lynch, Riot) and Van Williams (Nevermore).
Get any of these players and I guarantee the drumming on the CD will kick major ass.

Dunno if you were actually planning to contact Macaluso, but I was one of the people who recommended him. I'd surely love to hear him on a death metal project.

Good luck!
ronjarz said:
One thing I wanted to mention though is that if any of you have a direct contact with any of these drummers (namely Dirk Verbeuren of Soilwork, Hannes Grossman of Necrophagist, and Virgil Donati of Planet X), send me an email (ronjarz@satx.rr.com) with the info.

Hey Ron, I sent your email addresses to Hannes (Necrophagist). Not sure how soon he might be able to respond, since he should be embarking on a month-long tour tomorrow, but at least he ought to get the message, and get back to you at some point. Good luck with the search!

Cheers, Martin.
Yeh Nevermore totally kill. There are a number of people who could do this awesome project justice, I just cant wait to hear the finished product! Also a quick question for ron, you said that you learnt death metal picking, what exactly is it and why did u have to learn it?

I'm guessing he means trem picking. It's where you basically pick the note as fast as you can without muting the string and sit on that note for a bit. So if you were playing quarter notes, you might pick a total of 32 times or something for those four quarter notes. It's used in many death metal tunes.
Alright, we are done looking for a drummer. We have narrowed it down to 3 guys, all of them VERY capable of pulling this off.

We will most likely have this figured out by the end of January.

Stay tuned...

Many thanks to all of you on this forum for helping out. I REALLY appreciate it!!!!
