Damn, Nevermore REALLY grew on me


S t a r E
Apr 27, 2002
ON, Canada
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So yeah, I picked up The Godless Endeavor just recently. Crap, after listening to the downloaded mp3's of Final Product, The Psalm of Lydia and A Future Uncertain (as well as The River Dragon has Come - from DHIADW) numerous of times, the damn songs really stuck. And you know, I don't think Warrel's vocals are as bad as I had once thought before. And obviously, the solos kick serious ass.

Man, after cranking this album on full blast on my surround system with ultra crisp sound, I can only say that yes, this album IS damn good. I can see why so many here praise it. The production is just top-notch! HUGE fan of Andy Sneap's work.

The whole damn thing is good, but right now my two fave tracks are Sentient 6 and Sell My Heart for Stones. KILLER stuff! Ah, and yes, Born is another one that REALLY impressed me upon my first listen.

:) Man, glad I picked this cd up. I'm sure it'll even grow on me more. Not the greatest album I heard this year, but definitely in the top 10 so far.

Man, why I never gave these guys a chance before I don't know. But it looks like there's a new Nevermore fan here.
so yeah man, it sounds really good, man... that you feel so strongly about a good band, man.
^^pretty much

welcome to the fall...

now go buy Dreaming Neon Black and Politics of Ecstasy and your journey will be good
MAN, I just realized now how many times I used the word "man" in my opening post. ;)

But seriously, it WAS a late night and my posts usually do not look like that.

And yes, it is ALWAYS cool to discover a kick-ass band. What's funny is that I heard quite a bit of Nevermore before (Believe in Nothing and Ambivalent) and it didn't do anything for me. Now, it's like all the sudden the doors had opened and I see the light. A similar thing happened with me and ISIS, except with this band, it took well over months for me to truly get into the vocals (the music I had always thought was impressive, but now I love the vocals more knowing that they suit that particular style.)

Anyway, as I think that The River Dragon has Come would fit nicely somewhere on TGE (style seems pretty similar) - LOVE that song - that may be the next album I get from them. Plus, I already can say it has my favourite Nevermore cover art, hehe.

So to all you here that welcomed me here; a BIG CHEERS!
Nevermore is just one of those perfect metal bands in my opinion, I always loved how diverse their albums were. They're pieced together like the older classic metal albums with incredible openers, ballads, longer tunes, cohesive songwriting with intros, emotional solos and faster solos, memorable as fuck riffs, and of course AWESOME SINGING. All of their Cds are amazing. Highly underrated band, it's real crazy how unpopular these guys are outside underground metal circles.
Highly underrated band, it's real crazy how unpopular these guys are outside underground metal circles.

True that, man. Thing is, it always seemed to be the case that the more talented the artist is, the more "unknown" they are. Such a shame, really. Funny, wherever the good music is, no one seems to fucking care. I recently attended the In Flames and Arch Enemy show a few weeks ago - AE were enjoyable, but In Flames especially didn't do much for me even though they do have a few songs I happen to like. Anders doing the whole "Jonathon-Davis" routine just isn't cool. Plus, his whining-like vocals were pretty annoying. I mention this because now it pains me that I missed out on what could have been one of the "best" shows for me - Dimmu/Nevermore/Bodom.

Hmm, I looked at your sig there, Vicious Robbie - all the metal press seems to be digging the album (and that's quite the understatement from what I gather). I don't remember an album in recent memory (metal-wise) that has earned so many "perfect" scores. Impressive. This just may be the album that gets "Album of the Year" award across the board. Now wouldn't that be something?
They still are 10yrs behind...

Psychotic Waltz_Dark Millenium_07. Pleasures of the Flesh
Alcapoth said:
True that, man. Thing is, it always seemed to be the case that the more talented the artist is, the more "unknown" they are. Such a shame, really. Funny, wherever the good music is, no one seems to fucking care. I recently attended the In Flames and Arch Enemy show a few weeks ago - AE were enjoyable, but In Flames especially didn't do much for me even though they do have a few songs I happen to like. Anders doing the whole "Jonathon-Davis" routine just isn't cool. Plus, his whining-like vocals were pretty annoying. I mention this because now it pains me that I missed out on what could have been one of the "best" shows for me - Dimmu/Nevermore/Bodom.

Hmm, I looked at your sig there, Vicious Robbie - all the metal press seems to be digging the album (and that's quite the understatement from what I gather). I don't remember an album in recent memory (metal-wise) that has earned so many "perfect" scores. Impressive. This just may be the album that gets "Album of the Year" award across the board. Now wouldn't that be something?

I don't know if it'll happen, Al. I sure hope so because it's been way overdue!
Alcapoth said:
MAN, I just realized now how many times I used the word "man" in my opening post. ;)

But seriously, it WAS a late night and my posts usually do not look like that.

And yes, it is ALWAYS cool to discover a kick-ass band. What's funny is that I heard quite a bit of Nevermore before (Believe in Nothing and Ambivalent) and it didn't do anything for me. Now, it's like all the sudden the doors had opened and I see the light. A similar thing happened with me and ISIS, except with this band, it took well over months for me to truly get into the vocals (the music I had always thought was impressive, but now I love the vocals more knowing that they suit that particular style.)

Anyway, as I think that The River Dragon has Come would fit nicely somewhere on TGE (style seems pretty similar) - LOVE that song - that may be the next album I get from them. Plus, I already can say it has my favourite Nevermore cover art, hehe.

So to all you here that welcomed me here; a BIG CHEERS!

let me clear up any confusion. you have the new album, so now, get the rest in this order: dead heart, politics, enemies, in memory, dreaming neon black, self titled.

dead heart is the best. jeff loomis agrees with me.:headbang: