damn.. Scythes are expensive these days

Barr WildChild

Bambi Slaughter
Dec 9, 2002
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I was bored and I went to a local shop with gardening tools hoping to find a scythe..

the blade alone costs 50 euro and the stick 20 euro.. f*cking expensive if you ask me..

they also had one of these:


don't know what you call those in English.. those were only 3.50 euro..
untroo, however alot more efficient.

my mom always tells me this story... in the city i was born ( not Rio) there was a kinda of maniac, a psycho that killed people while they were sleeping, and he did that with a scythe !:yow: (he jumped to the victim's house and with a scythe, wich is long, he could satisfy his sick and killer impetus)
Mahawkk said:
untroo, however alot more efficient.

my mom always tells me this story... in the city i was born ( not Rio) there was a kinda of maniac, a psicho that killed people while they were sleeping, and he did that with a scythe :yow: (he jumped to the victim's house and with a scythe, wich is long, he could satisfy his sick and killer impetus)
eh u assassiniu du nordesti?