There is one district in the city I lived. It's called "Palanda" and gipsies live there. I heard it was pretty good, mid-class neighborhood long time ago, but pretty communist tbh. Then they started to build manufactories and I think WWTP was built near too, so people left the place. Then the gipsies moved in. Idk if they pay the rent or have the water, gas and stuff, but probably not. The thing is, there are blocks of flats in kinda U shape and they are open to the driveway and have some space in between. These gipsies started literally throwing trash from windows to the space in between, they just didn't gave a fuck. After some time, there was a pretty big pile of trash. I wonder how they could stand the smell, but after all, they probably smell worse. Anyway, when it was too big or they couldn't get out of the door to the driveway of something, the just torched it. Black smoke was visible pretty far away. I mean, everytime you saw a smoke, you knew this was happening. Or they stole cables and burnt them to melt the isolation to get to copper. Money from the copper were used to buy basic food - cheap wine and cigarettes. Ok, back to fire. Of coure, fire trucks and police came and they extinguished it and they took the trash away. The gipsies were obviously happy, the trash was gone and maybe they even managed to take a shower. When everyone was gone, they just repeated the whole proces. I never heard of any consequences. They are more clever than I thought.
Wat did i just watch? What's the point of that?
Europeans seem to dislike gypsies.The ones in the states seem to be pretty decent (well gypsy heritage but not lifestyle). I remember one time in France, this person came up to me and said I dropped something and had their hands clenched with what it was i presumably dropped. Stretched my hand out to retrieve said item, and it was a necklace. Then he told me to give him 8 euros. I threw it right back at him and walked away cursing.
0Marty that seems awful, no ones called the health department on them?
Wat did i just watch? What's the point of that?
Europeans seem to dislike gypsies.The ones in the states seem to be pretty decent (well gypsy heritage but not lifestyle). I remember one time in France, this person came up to me and said I dropped something and had their hands clenched with what it was i presumably dropped. Stretched my hand out to retrieve said item, and it was a necklace. Then he told me to give him 8 euros. I threw it right back at him and walked away cursing.
I wish onder would respond to my second post in this thread.
Your post about the gypsies made me think about a film I saw made by the Nazis in the ghetto. The point the nazis were trying to make was "look at these starving jews and look at these rich jews, the rich jews sit on rooftops in fancy clothes, fine dining, while the poor starve on the streets below them." - so in other words Jews are inhumane because they lack empathy. So according to nazi ideology, you must be a jew.
Have sex with them.
There's nothing sexy about them, not even in a perverse freak fuck way. One of them walks around with a crutch.
I used to live five minutes outside of downtown Boston; easy walk to bars and restaurants, and easy subway ride to anywhere.
My wife and I recently moved to the suburbs though, and it kind of sucks. Bigger place, cheaper price per square footage, but kind of boring neighborhood. Safe, cute, easy drive to local places; but none of the excitement and lifestyle of the city.