The UM's Low-life Meet-up, Prague

I booked my ticket today. I'll be in prague on July 4. Kind of a long stay to commit to, but i know i'll be sick and tired of virginia by then. Cant wait to hit the road :kickass:
Well anyway, I'm up to have some funny fun with you guys if you manage to get your pussy genitals over here.



"I know it is wet
And the sun is not sunny
But we can have
Lots of good fun that is funny"
Onder-->I had no idea that show was in a basement. It's going to fucking rule.

Grant-->I'd be down, if you find people you want to send CSing requests, link me somewhere and I'll send them a similar request and stuff. TBH I'd be more comfortable CSing with a person I knew like you. I'm sure the host is respectable and safe and shit, but something about the idea is just greasy at times.
I asked my friend about his muslim chick friend who strictly doesn't eat pork but takes pills and everything. She doesn't speak czech which is kewl. Also, cattle is interested too, in drinking and shit. That should be fun. Grant, when are we meeting?

EDIT: First I'm gonna have some beers with you eggface.
the statue of a guy on a horse on Wenceslas square. it is very visible. around what time can we all be there? i can be there around 17:00-18:00 maybe even earlier.
I arrive at 10:00 on Thursday, I probably need to meet up with CS host while I am at it. So, one I ride from the airport to the Muzeum metro station, probably like 12:00. But I'm down for constant drinking/partying

But yeah, Wescelsas Square seems like a great place to meet up each day.
You're safe, just prepare for any american women you bring to be given a thorough sexing.
So aug, I will meet Yoda under the horse at 14:00, then show him some shit in Prague, i.e. Old Town square, National Theatre etc., he wants to see st. Vitus so we'll go to Small Town sqr and to Prague Castle. You said you'd be in the centre at 17:00? We can meet somewhere there or maybe we'll be closer to Small Town sqr. Will you give us a call when you're ready to meet? Also, what will we do together? :blush: :ill: :waah: :cool: :Puke: :rock: :Smug: :heh: :) :Smokedev: :hotjump: :eek: :err: :guh: :worship:
Drink and have sex I assume. I do hope that I feel better before I leave. I've been feeling like crap lately.

Edit-->Also, I plan on going to the Sedlec Ossuary (the Cathedral of Bones). Onder is being a fag and doesn't want to go, but I still plan on it.
hell yeah, i'll call you guys once i've checked in and am out on the streets. then it's beers and bitches :D. i can do sightseeing too on friday during the day.
Sightseeing/Beer Drinking.

So I'm thinking Thursday when I get there Onder and I are going to sightsee and fuck around and walk to the St. Vitus Cathedral while buzzing. Friday I'm going to the Sedlec Ossuary for an hour or two, and then we can chill, and Saturday we have that show.
That sounds super cool. I hope Onder can manage an encore performance when I get out there in 2 months or whatever. Can't say life hasn't been interesting back home, though...