Damn you Facebook!


Enemy Of God
Aug 26, 2007
I was trying to friend you guys on Facebook,when some pop-up came up,saying that my friend request will show as a spam on your account?! What the hell...??? I mean,I've heard that Facebook can be weird sometimes,but that never happened before! So I thought I just tell you guys here,that if you got some spam warning on FB,don't worry,that was probably just me,trying to get in contact. Any thoughts on how could I fix this?
Let's see...I got 48 friends on FB,I sent out about 15 friend requests,2 of them I never got any answer to...that's about it.Am I a spammer? I'll let you to decide... :rolleyes:
:) I already did! Kirsten was the fastest to reply there...haha! To be honest,I re-checked it and now only Courtney's page doing the same thing,but I do already "harassing" her on Twitter,so no probs! :lol: I do feel a little bit ashamed that I was absent from here for a long time,but moving across the "big water" took my mind away from almost everything! Glad to be back,and even more glad to see you ladies doing well! :kickass: Thanks for the reply,Linda! See y'all on FB! (hopefully!)
Thank you,Nita! I got your reply! Let me tell you something just between us:I love your personality! A fine mixture between craziness and sweetness,very adorable! Well,I guess it's Linda and Court's turn next! I still waiting... :wave:
Hey E.O.G., send me a message or something so I can click on your profile and find you and then accept. I have way too many requests to find any specific one any more! Haha! Well over 1,000+. :eek:
Done! I got my Facebook page on my real name,but hopefully you'll find the message in the "other messages" folder! Thanks!:worship: