It depends on if they contribute more than just their instrument to a band's overall sound.
Mercenary is different without Kral.
Van Halen will certainly be different without Micheal Anthony.
Of course there are too many egos. Look how often people in bands want a solo spot during or between songs. Fans are partially to blame. The emphasis on skill over musicality is also to blame.
I don't see how theres much room for ego in this genre, honestly. The bands aren't making much money, and their not filling the tour bus with teenage girls jumping at their nuts. Ego's in this genre are pretty much useless, sure you have all the talent in the world, but if you don't have much to show for it statistically - when is it justified? I'm not trying to knock anyone, but I just don't see the point. Im prepping to record the Cellador tune that I learned. Wish me luck.
As long as they can get someone who can play his part, who cares? It's a drummer after all. It's not like it's one of the important band members.:heh:


Umm...l'm sure you were tongue in cheeking this. :zombie: l'm thinking there would be an argue on that point if you consider Peart/Rush & Portnoy/DT and l don't think Zero Hour could ever maintain what they do if they lost Mike. l'm also curious to hear new Fates Warning since Zonder left.
How do you get a guitarist off your front porch?

Pay for the pizza.

"Hey did you hear? The guitarist locked his keys in his car!"
"Yeah! It took them almost an hour to get the drummer out!" :heh:

"Whaddaya call a musician without a girlfriend?"

* this one's too frequently true to be alll that funny :hypno: