
Originally posted by Eramaajarvi
What he said! Even better that way!! :loco:

Then show us the pictures!

(We're not much of a help, are we? :p)

Well I don't want to see the pictures myself, I don't really like to look at naked men, but maybe the woman around here could be interested :lol: :lol:
wear whatever the hell is clean!...a sesame street shirt, anything...who gives a shit...the people will be too amazed by the music to notice the clothes :)
You're only allowed to go shirtless if you at least have 2/3 of the requisite 6-pack abdomen. :grin:

Otherwise, look for any old ratty shirt. Only idiots like us will pay attention to what you're wearing anyway! Well, I mean, I *might* pay attention, you know, if you were playing closer than 7000 miles away.

*mark sobs uncontrollably again*
Originally posted by TrueBeliever
You're videotaping it? Are you going to put it up on the website?
It's not all set yet, but hopefully we'll videotape it yes. About putting it on the website... we'll see.. depends on quality and stuff

backstage.. hehe.. dunno if there is any backstage area :lol:
I don't think it matters that much what you wear as long as its not pink, purpule, or a fruity color. At alot of the concerts I go to, I can't even remeber what anyone in the band was wearing. Too busy headbanging.
fuck yeah Martin told me about the vid, thats gonna be be bad ass hehe, he said hes gonna try and get two cameras too get some different angles hehe.

Backstage footage wouldnt be hard, have someone walking around with a camera asking you guys stupid questions :D

As for the topic at hand, metal shirt, shorts, and sneakers/boots will do just fine my friend, or a full blown pimp suit, but thats your choice :lol: