Dan, are you made of metal?

If he is not, I certainly am!

the proof:

I walk into a bookstore, no necklace, no watch, no money in my pockets and no metal belt. The alarm still goes off! :tickled: Happens in airports too. I must be metal.
you probably have some tin foil from a chewing gum wrapping in your pocket...
either that or a pacemaker.

Dan is made of a special alloy of Metal, Steel ,Stone cold Rock and a can of spray paint next to it(punk)
Kenneth R. said:
If he is not, I certainly am!

the proof:

I walk into a bookstore, no necklace, no watch, no money in my pockets and no metal belt. The alarm still goes off! :tickled: Happens in airports too. I must be metal.

You have metal detectors in bookstores? :erk:
Kenneth R. said:
In the Borders in London there is! Good God, who steals books? :erk:

I actually had no tin foil in my pockets and I'm not beat up enough yet for a pacemaker!

gold teeth or rings on your fingers...You can't be metal...you're too nice:D
Kenneth R. said:
No fake teeth no piercings and I doubt my ring is enough to do it :)

Really its crazy, I just set places off :lol:
Maybe you had a metalic tracking device implanted under your skin when you were a baby.

In Israel we have security guards with metal detectors in almost every store and mall in the country
mattcira said:
and speaking of which... to be metal don't you have to swear a lot, like... every other word... oops, I mean, every other fucking word???

I believe that's rap metal...the whole magic of truely being metal is the fact you can express anger,agression,sadness and every other possible negative emotion with really dark lyrics without swearing...
just been listening to a few old cd's of mine from the time before I discovered trOO metal.One of them was Limp Bizkit's "Chocolate starfish..."
they have a song called "Hot dog where all Fred Durst says in the song is pretty much just the word "fuck"(for about 200 times) and to add flavor he brings Trent Reznor to sing the chorus from NIN's "Closer(to God)".
I can't believe I spent hard earned money on that crap.
paradoxile said:
I believe that's rap metal...the whole magic of truely being metal is the fact you can express anger,agression,sadness and every other possible negative emotion with really dark lyrics without swearing...
just been listening to a few old cd's of mine from the time before I discovered trOO metal.One of them was Limp Bizkit's "Chocolate starfish..."
they have a song called "Hot dog where all Fred Durst says in the song is pretty much just the word "fuck"(for about 200 times) and to add flavor he brings Trent Reznor to sing the chorus from NIN's "Closer(to God)".
I can't believe I spent hard earned money on that crap.

You forgot SYL... I believe one of the tracks from the first album goes a little something like "I fucking hate you I fucking hate you I fucking hate you I fucking hate you... " and so on.

But... this is totally the opposite of what I was talking about. I've been to probably 50 metal shows in the past 12 months and I've never heard so much profanity in my life. Every metal show I've attended, all I hear from the crowd is "Fuck yea!" "You fucking Rock!" or some other trite, juvenile hatchet job of the English language.

If you've ever been on the Nevermore forum, the Opeth forum or any of the Blabbermouth threads, all those kiddies do is curse.

[sarcasm]Thank God for the internet! I finally have a place to express myself!![/sarcasm]. :yuk:

The great irony in all of this is that I just posted a picture of myself flicking off the camera in a different Swano thread. :tickled:
I do visit most of those forums and those 14-16 year old fanboys do piss me off but I guess they'll eventually grow up and grow out of it.
As for profanity,this new generation of kiddies is spoiled as hell when it come to accessebility to information.When I was a teenager I learned english profanities by watching Bootleg copies of Porno movies which my friends and I baught on the city's black market(along the way I learned about the Birds and the Bees) when it was pretty hard to get and even harder to keep my uptight parents from finding out about them and then later OZ(still have pleasent memories from Adebisi) and it was running pretty late on TV and that's about it.No more exposure to profanity or Porn.I even got a cell phone only because when I was recruited to the IDF(in Israel we have 3 years of obligatory Army service) and the line to the payphone was about 200 people.
These days every 5 year old has a cell phone and not using it responsibly 50% of the will have brain tumors by the time they're 30.
as for accessibility to porn and profanity just google it...it's that easy.I got my internet conncetion at the end of 2002 just because my study matirial was on the net.
The whole meaning of profanity is to use it wisely and rarely to describe extreme situations.when you use profanity regularly you get the meaning of the word worn off and eventually it won't be profanity.The same with porn,
when you have accesibilty to porn after a while two girls shitting in each others mouths(so for the blunt graphics) won't be hardcore enough.
The problem though lies not with the technology and accessibilty to information because every generation obvioulsy gets more than the previous one.The problem is with the parents not educating their children and the teenagers have a defected sence of right and wrong.I mean 7y/o kids bring knives to school and stab each other almost everyday.you get high school students beating the crap out of their teacher without any remorse what so ever.You get Colombine because the parents didn't give enough attention to their children and amongst other things kept the gun cabinet unlocked.
5 years ago these cases were found rarely and those kids were prone to violence...nowdays it happens to anyone.
From my point of view the situation is not lost.If parents start restricting their childrens computer privilages...use a firewall to block adult sites and limit the tv channels to harmless entertainment and spend more time with the kids we'll get a much more resposible and normal adults out of that generation.

god I feel so conservative