dan hinted at a new death metal project, what are your choices for members?

Dec 12, 2005
in his statement about leaving BB, dan hinted at a death metal project if i heard correctly

now who would you like to see work with dan?

drummer - guy from naglfar (cant remember his name)
guitarist - dan ofcourse
guitarist - one of the jonas's from spawn of possession
vocals - jens ryden (ex naglfar)
bassist - no preference
drummer - Trym (Emperor)
guitarist - Dan the man
guitarist - Dallas Toler-Wade (Nile)
vocals - Mike (Opeth) If not Mike then Muhammed (Necrophagist)
Bassist - Stefan Fimmers (Necrophagist)
I have to agree with Tumn. Dan just cannot do wrong. If it woint be completely solo, i would still prefer to have Dan on guitar and vocals because i just love both his growl and clean vocals.
He should find people that have never recorded before. Get some new blood. He has enough "member of..." points on his own, don't need to clutter up the sticker on the front of the album any more than that. :D
As long as he himself growls and plays I guitar, I don't care about the other members. He could do it all on his own like on Moontower as well. Some brutal growls and superb clean vocals would be truly awesome.
Jim LotFP said:
He should find people that have never recorded before. Get some new blood. He has enough "member of..." points on his own, don't need to clutter up the sticker on the front of the album any more than that. :D

Jesus christ, whats your problem? Got a cactus up your butt?
Why would this be the new bloodbath-forum?
Mike growling on something Dan writes wouldnt make it fucking bloodbath, so chill.