I've read the interview a few times, and with each read, I feel like I get to know Dan a little better. He sounds so honest. I wish those who talk about him being a big-head would read this interview and especially his comments about the Odyssey song "I Am Two", you know. The rockstar-normal guy thing.
Also I had no idea how and who flew Dan to meet guys like Dickinson and the Dream Theater guys. Weird. I sort of understand what Dan means though. I mean, when I try to put myself in his shoes, it's already a weird feeling. I myself have been a huge Dickinson and DT fan. I love those guys' music to death. I'd always love to see them live and buy their stuff the day it gets released. And read their interviews. Visit their message boards. Care about their opinions. You get the picture. But then, when I think of someone offering me the opportunity to go and meet them in person, in some 1st class party or something, I realise I probably would have nothing to say to them except that I happen to appreciate their music. I probably would feel uncomfortable and wish to leave already. That's somehow the same thing that occured to me when Dan mentioned it. And for that I feel he and I are so close in a way, not that I'm a musician or anything, or that I could compose like him or write lyrics like him. It's just a similar vibe and I really appreciate the honesty in his tone.
That's something I felt I'd point out, however meaningless it may seem to you guys.