Dan Nelson's new upcoming fail...I mean band

Has anyone outside of the band ever heard the 'Worship Nelson' (That'll be Worship Music with Dan Nelson singing on it) album? I'd love to know what it sounds like. I was at the London show they did with him in 2009, and they played Earth On Hell and Fight Em Til You Can't. Objectively, there was no comparison between the Nelson versions and the subsequent Joey Belladonna tracks, which are unquestionably superior.

Hahaha WTF?!

Has anyone outside of the band ever heard the 'Worship Nelson' (That'll be Worship Music with Dan Nelson singing on it) album? I'd love to know what it sounds like. I was at the London show they did with him in 2009, and they played Earth On Hell and Fight Em Til You Can't. Objectively, there was no comparison between the Nelson versions and the subsequent Joey Belladonna tracks, which are unquestionably superior.

Don't think anyone's heard it. The closest would be these:

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It would be really interesting to hear the Nelson tracks. Surely they'll surface somewhere one day.
It would be really interesting to hear the Nelson tracks. Surely they'll surface somewhere one day.

I'd be amazed if they ever surface, given the bad blood and the court case. If you look at Black Sabbath as an example, it took almost 20 years for the original recordings of The Eternal Idol featuring Ray Gillen to surface. This version of Worship Music has much the same significance as Sabbath's Dehumanizer, of which there is also an alternative version featuring Tony Martin. The Tony Martin version will never surface out of respect to Dio and his legacy. I'd wager the same given the significance of Joey's return and the return to credibility of Anthrax.
I have no interest in hearing the Don Nelson versions of Worship Music. Joey nailed it on that album and that's all I care about.

Furthermore when is his 15 minutes up anyways? Dude should be playing in a wanabe Pantera cover band in dive bars.
He left, if you go on their old FB page you can find the shit saying he left. He's also not listed in the lineup on that page.

But it's not like they're going to do anything anyway