Dan on the new Winds album

Just listened to the new Winds album, more exactly to the song 'The Grand Design' and WOW! What a vocal performance by Dan...he went through almost all vocal ranges from past projects (was the Whooooaaaa part his?) and the only problem is his short participation in the album. Winds is an awesome band but those seconds in The Grand Design are pure gold!
Seriously, I thought the performance from White Darkness could never be topped but obviously I was wrong.

Just listened to the new Winds album, more exactly to the song 'The Grand Design' and WOW! What a vocal performance by Dan...he went through almost all vocal ranges from past projects (was the Whooooaaaa part his?) and the only problem is his short participation in the album. Winds is an awesome band but those seconds in The Grand Design are pure gold!
Seriously, I thought the performance from White Darkness could never be topped but obviously I was wrong.


I agree totally with you that his contributions to this album are wayyyy too few. By the way, on the song The Darkest Path, around 1:52 I believe I hear Dan too, is that correct?
he's on the grand design (track 3) obviously
on when the dreams of paradise died (at the end... "the light of a new day was risin. a new tomorrow where hope lies. where the whisper in the wind, gave it all aaawaaaaaaaaay")
and on The Darkest Path, indeed

btw im totally hooked on this album now, great stuff. it took a while though :)
I have a really hard time dealing with Lars voice. The band is great, but he just isn't a strong vocalist, it really seems strange to me that they maintain him as the vocalist.
So I guess that's the reason you stopped hanging around on the Winds forum then? ;)

It's really not that strange for us, so let me explain:

First of all Lars' role in Winds is a lot more than just being a vocalist. He is a big part of arranging the music, especially the strings, and he is also still the bass player of the band. His contributions are invaluable on all levels, including vocals. If I could have the choice of absolutely any vocalist in the world for Winds, Lars would be my #1 choice. There is no better suitable vocalist for my purposes, with his perfect pitch, control, timing, and execution of my lyrics. Keeping in mind Winds is about telling a story too, not just the singing or the music, even though it was due to his singing abilities that I found him of particular interest for Winds.

Not to mention that the current dynamic between the 4 members of Winds would not be possible to replace, and for me, neither would his singing abilities. So for these reasons, replacing Lars as a vocalist has never entered into my mind at all, and will be entirely out of the question for as long as Winds exists. I do not take these kinds of comments and criticisms to heart, which have come from some people here and there (fans and press alike). But for anyone who doesn't like the vocals, there is at least two other persons that do. And the same can probably be said for Carl's guitar playing, my piano playing, and I'm sure Jan Axel's drumming as well. For natural reasons, vocals get the most attention, and that's as it should be. But in the end, only we can make the determination who the best vocalist will be for us.

We are of course more than happy to work with select guests such as Dan and a few others, who we all admire and respect greatly. But any guests we decided to use in the past, or for that matter in the future, it will always be as a supplement to, and not as a substitute for Lars' vocals. Which grant it are unique, but certainly he is not a weak vocalist. Several accomplished vocalists have also in the past mentioned positive things to me about his singing, for example Åkerfeldt, Lande and Townsend to name a few. And I even recall a studio session where a vocalist (who I greatly admire, but whose name I will not mention) had stood there trying to nail the melody of a vocal line, for about 20 takes). Lars came in and said "like this?" - and sung the line perfectly on the first take. As a musician I have rarely seen anyone with the same kind of musical and vocal talent as Lars. And actually, did you know that at one time, he was even discussed for Arcturus as a replacement for Garm? And although I don't know this for sure, I am guessing that Winds may be the only reason that never happened.

At any rate. I would say most people do not consider Lars a weak singer, even if they may not like his style. Also since I was the one who chose him as a vocalist for Winds in the first place, any criticism against him I probably take twice as much offense to as he would himself!

Andy Winter

I have no doubts that Lars is a talented vocalist. But there are two factors I think he sounds weak on this album. Tone and fullness. Tone is okay, I don't really love it (a bit 'tin'ny [metallic] at times) but its fine. By I do think he lacks fullness at points. Maybe its because of the notes he's singing. But I never felt that fullness/warmth overwhelmingness that I do from other singers I love. Either way, its a really good album. Not sure if its my favorite of Winds though.

I acknowledge and respect your criticisms, even though I don't agree with them personally. But I will say this, that such things (tone and fullness) can sometimes have just as much to do with a) microphones, b) preamps/eq's, c) settings (engineering/mixing) as it has to do with a person's voice in and of itself. We mixed on an SSL this time, which is practically an industry standard for mixing, but it was none the less a first time for us. SSL tends to make the sound very crisp and clean, but the flip side to that is that it can also thin out your sound a bit. But I think it achieved the desired effect as far as what I intended, since my desire with mixing on an SSL this time was to make sure all the elements in the mix would stand out from one another. So in that respect I am satisfied, and I feel I made the right choice. Of course there are as many ways and opinions on how to correctly mix a record, as there are engineers/producers in the world. So I have learned to trust my opinions and choices, subjective as they may be. And I don't expect that everyone will like or agree with my choices. But luckily they are still my choices to make! :)

Thanks a lot for the support! I decided to stop by seeing as I've had an account here for ages. Although haven't used it much since we moved the Winds forum to The End's server. But cool that Dan has his own forum here, and nice to know for reading what's going on with his activities and projects, etc.

I know Lars from (one of) his other band(s), Before The Dawn. See the video below. He is very good there :) I have that Winds-album but not had time to listen enough yet, but the first impression is positive, too. I need to listen to it more =)

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Thanks Andy. I'll go back and relisten to the album again based on what you said. And I had no issue with Lars on the other albums. I enjoyed him greatly. So I'm guessing it was more of a production type of an issue. Still a damn good album though :)
I really don't mean any offense at all Andy, I really appreciate your deep response (as usual). Sometimes a change in perspective makes me appreciate certain musicians more, I'll listen to Winds again with a new point of view.

Hey, fireangel, I like that video! I've never heard this band, they sound very good so far!
Hey, fireangel, I like that video! I've never heard this band, they sound very good so far!

Cool! They are from Finland; you can find them at the homepage www.beforethedawn.com
The guy in the center of the video is the band´s mainman, called Tuomas Saukkonen. The guitarist on the right is Juho Räihä from Gloria Morti, also a very cool guy. Gloria Morti plays Black Metal; try them on myspace.
The drummer in the video did help out, as they didn´t have a permanent one at that moment.
You can find another one of Tuomas´s bands, Dawn Of Solace (with Lars Eikind aswell) under the same username on youtube.

(sorry everyone for going majorly OT :D but it´s about Lars :) )
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Thanks for the nice comments from everyone on that note!

I will definitely add that Lars' two other bands/projects are very cool too, and worth a listen for sure. I think my favorite is Dawn of Solace, which is really more the side-project than Before The Dawn (which he tours extensively with). But either way, this is a matter of taste and preference. Different projects, different styles. Both are good in their own ways.

Lars has been living in Finland since around the time we recorded "The Imaginary..." (for those who didn't know). And of course, most people already know that all the members of Winds have LOTS of other projects as well...

My next release is Sculptured, comes out Feb 19th.