dan savage trashes preppy; things get ugly!

right avi!

well, i think dan savage is dead-on, my friends in AIDS services notwithstanding. for god's sake, ACT UP/san francisco is brainwashed by the sub-Saharan paranoia of HIV DOES NOT CAUSE AIDS!

i <3 dan savage.


"I want to go to a gay bathhouse!"
ok i emailed dan's column to my AIDS friend and she replied:

25 percent? that's not bad considering that the general population is 75 percent gutless wonders.

hah she rulez.
i would agree with him.
i'd say 25% of the people working with POA's are total fucking heartless assholes who forgot why they started.

but anyway, this whole seeking getting HIV is a disaster and rididculously blown out of proportion of course. but it does happen and exist.
yea i know. these news sensation stories always get blown out of proportion because people want a peek into some seemingly 'perverse' world of gayness so they can have a reason to hate it again.