Dan Spitz's site now up

A few comments.

First, why must they focus on his mental-hospital beard in the bottom photo sequence?

Secondly, his hand gesture and blatantly stated career path appears to have clear nu-metal associations, which leads me to believe that he's looking to cash in. He doesn't even look happy, but then again he always seemed behind the 8-ball, and not necessarily because of his odd eye. I theorize that it's due to his nagging case of S.M.S.

Short Man Syndrome.

As far as I'm concerned, following Sound Of White Noise he fell of the face of the earth. We Anthrax fans need not be concerned.
Wassup my nahigga's, I'm Danny Spitz yo, "dan to the izzo aaaaaaaaayyyyyy" do the mudderfucking maff yo!!!!!! I's a lookin' for a few you all muddafucka's to make som muddafuckin' noizzzeeee booooyyyy, dat is off the muddafuckin's hinges yo!

*note to Dan* there is nothing cutting edge about anything he is trying.

did you guys read the bio? so of the most ass-backwards shit in there. like how it says paul and gene asked HIIIIIM to do a cover of "she" and him covering "she" is the reason KISS MY ASS was ever released. WTF? who writes his shit?
I am neither for or against Dan Spitz, but that biography is awful. It's like so many washed up bands that will stretch the truth to make it look like they accomplished more than they did, or that their band was so unique.

While their contemporaries in more "mainstream" heavy metal were wearing the latest in spandex excess, Anthrax stormed the stage in shorts and T-shirts.
Bragging about your lack of image as if you pioneered it, is not only stupid, but also at least 15 years out of date.

In the center of this revolution was guitarist/founding member Dan Spitz, who took heavy, fast, crunchy music to the next level.
Yeah, Dan Spitz personally was at the centre of the thrash metal revolution.

The end result was: Fifteen million albums sold, four Grammy nominations
I don't think a band like Anthrax can be measured by how many albums they sold (not to mention that there are hundreds of bands who have sold more albums), or especially by how many Grammy nominations they have.

As the years rolled on and generic bands came and went
Again, as much as I love Anthrax, it's not like they were that unique.

You couldn't go to your average highschool without seeing a couple dozen youths decked out in Anthrax T-shirts.
Big whoop, you would probably see just as many or more t-shirts of Slayer, Metallica, Guns N Roses or any other band that was bigger than Anthrax at the time.

Even after all these conquests and challenges that everyone had told him can't be done
For God's sake...what did he do, climb Mount Everest? Find a cure for the common cold?

Dan stomped on, selling millions of albums worldwide gaining notoriety for music to such soundtracks as "Air Heads" with Adam Sandler, "Last Action Hero" starring Arnold Shwarzennegger and the "Beavis and Butthead" soundtrack. All gaining Platinum status.
Yes, DAN sold millions of albums. What a jerkoff. They would have sold the same amount whether Anthrax was on them or not.

Dan was even asked by the band Kiss to be one of the few artists to embark on a recording with both Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley.
Again, it was DAN who was asked by KISS. I guess the rest of the guys were just along for the ride and to provide Dan with a backing band.

This recording would feature famous bands re recording Kiss songs. The multi platinum album "Kiss my Ass" was the result with the Kiss song "She" being recorded.
Dan is the god... of all lazy-eyed nutriding whiteman haters everywhere... word!

Dan was Anthrax people, if you haven't realized it yet, do the math! (sarcasm mode off)
no matter how much of a fuckwit he seems to have turned into he was a damn fine shredder and he could still be?

i will def give his project a chance!!!
Ya never know guys. His album could come out (whenever he FINDS musicians to jam with) and blow all of the nay-sayers away and shut them up for good! Or it could suck SO bad, it'll be in the bargain bin a week after it's released! Hell, maybe he should call up Belladonna and have him be the vocalist......once he has the rest of his "band" together!

bwahahahaha :lol:
MIKERULE that was a hilarious post at the top. Dan Spitz could still shred its possible. Anybody heard any of his stuff?
I seen him on the 700 club one day. No lie perhaps some of the rest of you seen it eigh?

He was taling of Anthrax and the old days of abusing this and that and etc. Then he was just reading the good book and etc.
It was basic story you expect to hear.
But what about his watch making career?
Making some of the finest handcrafted watches on the planet... must have took a good eye to do that.
To Dan: Load a bowl & let the metal flow!