Dan Swanö live online chat this weekend!


Lost to Apathy
Feb 26, 2002
Knoxville, TN
Next Sunday, December 8th, we will have a very special guest on the Apocalyptic Raids radio show!!!

Sunday, December 8th, 6:00 pm to 8:00pm eastern standard time, we are pleased to welcome Dan Swanö in the Sesimic Radio chat room while we play the new Nightingale CD, Alive Again, as well as select tracks from Dan Swanö's various projects.

To listen to Apocalyptic Raids on Seismic Radio just go to www.seismicradio.com and click the listen tab (requires realplayer).

To chat with Dan Swanö during the show, just click the chat link on the main page and pick a user name. You will be directed into the Seismic Radio chat room. Or, if you have IRC, irc.forestnet.org:6667, room name #seismic

Please come out and support Nightingale as well as get the chance to talk to one of metal's most prolific artists!!