Nightingale listening party/Dan Swanö chat FAQ


Lost to Apathy
Feb 26, 2002
Knoxville, TN
Dan Swanö Live Chat FAQ

How Do I tune in and listen to the radio broadcast?

Go to the Seismic Radio website,

To Listen:

We broadcast in RealAudio© format, so you need the free RealPlayer (click on the downloads button if you don't have this). To listen, simply click on the listen button, which will activate your RealAudio© player and begin transmission. Or, from within RealPlayer, go into 'FILE', then 'OPEN', then 'LOCATION', and insert this link:
This will be remembered by your player, so you can just click "open location" each time and choose the SeismicRadio link from the drop-down menu.

How do I join in the chat?

There are two ways to do this. The easiest, is to simply click on the chat link in the center of the main page. You will be asked to download a java/irc applet (it takes just a few seconds). Once this is done, you need to pick you nick name and and click the “Connect Now!” button and it will take you to the chat room.
The second way is for IRC users. The IRC server is The port is 6667. and the room name is #seismic.

What time will the show start and when will Dan Swanö be in the chat room?

The show is on Sunday, 12/8, from 6:00pm to 8:00 pm eastern standard time. If you are not in the Eastern time zone you will need to make the appropriate calculations to ensure you arrive on time. The show will begin promptly at 6:00 and Dan should be there right a 6:00 as well. For assistance in calculating what time the show will begin in your time zone, go to .

What will you be playing on the show?

We will playing the new Nightingale disc, “Alive Again” from beginning to end. Once this is done, we will play selected tracks from different Swanö projects including cuts from: Edge of Sanity, Moontower, Star One among others.

What will Dan be discussing in the chat room?

Dan will be answering questions that you, the listener, ask him. Anything and everything can and will be discussed. However, please be respectful of Dan, the DJ, and others in the room.

How can I win a copy of the Nightingale disc?

During the course of the show, Andreas Katsumbras from The End Records, will be giving away two copies of the new album. I will let Dan pick the two winners at random. If you are picked, you will be private messaged by me.

If I have any problems listening or getting in the chat, what can I do?

I will be online and have both ICQ and AIM. My Aim handle is rhavin2112. My ICQ number is 160719768. Please feel free to message me and I will assist you. Or you can always e-mail as well:

Please plan on arriving early, so you don’t miss a minute and I look forward to seeing you there!!!!
fuck is it with the java/irc applet??????
my computer can never download that one,it says it's not available for windows XP