Dan Swanö chat transcript....

that´s very good! I absolutely waited for that! Thanks :)
Just one thing: it is not complete *smile* I don`t mean all the stuff the chat-participants talked amongst each other, but as the official part was over, still people like me (a.k.a. Siria) asked questions to Dan as he was so nice to stay a little bit longer and answer them, aswell. And that is not included here.
Originally posted by fireangel
that´s very good! I absolutely waited for that! Thanks :)
Just one thing: it is not complete *smile* I don`t mean all the stuff the chat-participants talked amongst each other, but as the official part was over, still people like me (a.k.a. Siria) asked questions to Dan as he was so nice to stay a little bit longer and answer them, aswell. And that is not included here.

The "official" chat ended at 8:00pm. Any discussion after that was not covered. Sorry.
Originally posted by Light
I've got the whole transcript from start to finish as a raw-text logfile straight from mIRC... but it's pretty messy/hard to read, compared with the one posted above. I don't have time to edit it into something more coherent myself... but I guess I could always stick it up somewhere, if there's interest...

That's a great idea, but can I offer a suggestion.....be sure to send Dan a copy and get his approval before posting it anywhere.
Just one thing: it is not complete *smile* I don`t mean all the stuff the chat-participants talked amongst each other, but as the official part was over, still people like me (a.k.a. Siria) asked questions to Dan as he was so nice to stay a little bit longer and answer them, aswell. And that is not included here.

The chat after the official part had some interesting moments. It should be posted here. I`ve got the log aswell
@ Light or others with the log:
It would be extremely nice to have that :) I wrote down some sentences, but of course I was not as fast as the chat continued. So in case it will be posted somewhere, I will wait. Otherwise, I would appreciate if someone sends it to me (shinyfireangel@hotmail.com), it does not need to be edited. It just needs to be in a format I can read with standard software (please no pdf as my computer hates it, unfortunately :( ) Do I need irc-software for that?

http://www.profaneomen.cjb.net => check out the free downloads, these guys re-edit your brain ;)
thank you ~nightfall~!! I can read it without problems and it is not messy - I mean the chat looked the same ;) So I am happy with it. What does "thank you" mean in norwegian?