Dan Swano Goodies


Dan Swano Fanboy
Apr 22, 2008
erm, i'm (kind of) new to the swanoism religion and i've been reading many old threads in the forum lately... and from what i have figured out, dan had put up some unreleased bootlegs and demos on his website which is now defunct...

so the point is, *cough* i don't have all that stuff and would (really) like to have all that... would anyone mind sharing them with me?
Torrents,Alternate links anything...

right now i am uploading nightingale @ martohell, Dag@WBWC, Unicorn artwork and photos, and the mega interview markus did with swano some years back :)
Thanks for sharing :worship:. So some of this material on the ftp was on the dead website swano.com?

Thanks again!

Ps. Does Dan know that all this material is on the ftp?
no. the entire archive of swano.com (almost a GB worth of mp3!) is on the ftp. and some extra goodies: nightingale vids etc.

dan would know if he read the thread... he comes here a lot so he probably did. either way, he distributed it himself for free, he just couldnt afford the bandwith anymore, haha.