DANDELIUM - 4 minutes ALBUM pre-production teaser.

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City

I've just done this teaser of the pre-production versions of all the songs that will be included in our fist album (to be recorded in August in Madrid, in Jukebox Studios)


I'll still record more test vocals for other songs, just to have some leftovers and more songs to choose from.

Note that everything is just pre-production and in no way final.

sounds great Erik good job!!! if you could reamp the guitars with a miced tube amp it would be monsterous!
sounds great Erik good job!!! if you could reamp the guitars with a miced tube amp it would be monsterous!

For the album I will try to mic up my amp (Cobra) or my bandmate's (XXX). Maybe I can borrow some more different amps, maybe a Roadster, a 5150 or something like that. Definitely I'll try to get a monsterous amped sound, otherwise plugins have always done a good job for me :p

sounds awesome erik!
the only think i don't like about it are the female vocals (i don't like female metal vocals in general)

Some really good stuff in this teaser, looking forward for the whole album. Awesome riffs and I really like the voice of your singer and seems like she's improved her accent compared to the earlier stuff.
Sounds very nice, gtrs are a little buried in the mix thou (a presence boost may help).
Vocals are heavily autotuned and that, to some, may be a turn-off. I don't mind, but it's quite obvious in many of the samples (btw: it's kinda bothering when the note remains absolutely plain -like in a vocoder- for a couple of ms and then the vibrato kicks in).
haha your kick still is amazing everytime I hear it
some really great parts in there! I like the "oriental" orchestral stuff and how it works with the guitars (the 2nd sippet for example)
Gonna be a killer album is my guess:kickass:
absolutely love it dude! really love the guitar tones, and your vocals sound polished as fuck. :-) keep it up.
Erik... hard to believe this is "pre-prod" - outstanding work already. I agree with Mago - that kick has so much weight to it without muddying anything up... I'd love to hear the Cobra mic'd up - that would be killer. Geez, the guitar tone on already absolute killer! :rock:
it sounds awesome, always loved your stuff. But i cant help thinking how it would of sounded with some great growling vocals on top of many of the riffs. Kind of like metalcore, when u mix both growl and Vocals. But it still sounds great!