New DANDELIUM song! - After 4 long months without writing/playing guitar...

Rex Rocker: I believe he use a 5 string Harley Benton ;)
you know what? I hate you, it's like that I would need 2 years to write a song like that
and 2 years to learn how to play's like everyone in this forum is able to play and
write stuff I could never play or write and than they're able to even get a good sound for it!

so...yeah, I think you understand that I like it :D
You can take the neck off, but I think you'd have to untighten the truss rod if it's without strings for a certain time.

Dude, I'm always exited when I read something like "New Dandelium Song" :-) ! Every single one of it is awesome and your tone is always fucking massive! :notworthy
When you put you stuff on CD or for sale on itunes or something I definitely go and buy it!

@ the new song:
great melodic parts as always and a nice main riff! For me I'd like to have the orchestra a bit louder, but that's just my taste.

And thanks a lot for sharing your settings!

Keep it up!!!

without a boost, are you serious?:zombie: Holy fuck, so must be the killer combo of Caparison/EMG. And of course some mixing skills.
Many thanks for the settings Dandelium!:notworthy:kickass:

I see you use another time the s-preshigh impulse from catharsis.
But I cannot find the SoloC_IR_Center(Alu) impulse anywhere.
I have searched without success. :zombie:
Could someone tell me?:goggly:
I was listening to this while taking a shit at work(thank god for wireless headphones) and man it's an awesome song! Personally I would not use the strings at all and let the guitars have their space. But I totally get what you want with this and it's really great!