Dandelium - New song: more riffs, more orchestra, more DANDELIUM.

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City

What's up everyone! :D

I've done a new song, lots of riffs, lots of orchestra, and clean parts... It's still a work in progress, as I have to master all the transitions between parts, work a lot more on the drum MIDIS, and add some more coherence, but anyways this is what I've done so far.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/425433/Dandelium/NEW/Tema 28.mp3

Drums are SD2 + Slate + custom samples.
Bass is pitch shifted guitar into POD Farm 2
Guitars are quadtracked into X50 > ASEM RECTO impulse.

Distorsion sounds Fucking amazing IMO ;D
Clean parts with leads sounds great too, and orchestra makes it Fucking epic!
Cheers from Spain ;)
I really like it! A lot more diverse from the few last songs you posted. The clean part is really really unexpected but also very cool...great clean sounds also
Kick sounds a bit "big" if you get what I mean, but I really like the snare.

If you work on the transitions between the parts as you said then its going to be killer...I also feel that the chorus is a lot more vocal friendly compared to some of the last songs!
Nice job dude, really liked it. Props particularly for that clean part! Some badass songwriting
Thanks guys!

Guitar is my Caparison Horus, pickups are EMG 81 for rythm, EMG SA for cleans and bass.
Cleans and leads are POD Farm BTW.

awww lovely what did you use in podfarm? Would you give any settings?, truly awesome mix, lovely rich deep guitars, love it