Dandelium - New tune, now with real BASS

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City

This is a new song for my band Dandelium i've just finished recording today.
- Drums are S2.0
- Bass is this on GearBox, plus some EQ and Compressor (will post settings later if you want)
- Guitars were recorded with my Caparison Horus through Revalver MkIII (same settings as always)
- Orchestra sounds are from EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Silver & Gold.


I hope you guys like it!!:D

Best regards.
Man your stuff always sounds soooo good. I am envious man. Great Job!

EDIT: Just listened again. I love that kick drum!
You should turn this project into a real band with some vocals and a drummer. It would be a great band ;-)
Thanks guys!! ^^

In fact, i've just auditioned some drummers, bassist and keyboardists (the hardest to find...) and I've selected the ones who fit the best in the project. We're currently working on vocal melodies and lyrics. Well, I warn you we're working with a female singer, but she's not a classical singer... I will also be putting my clean voice (ala Opeth/Scar Symmetry) here and there...

Our singer is also very good friend of a promotion and gigs organizer enterprise owner, so we will have a fuckload of concerts :D

Thanks for the comments!!

EDIT: Zakky I used the GH's "ThisOne" with some EQing to take some mids and add some highs.
Dude this sounds gooooood!
can you please post some guitar settings!:kickass:

keep the tunes coming!:)
Thanks guys!! ^^

In fact, i've just auditioned some drummers, bassist and keyboardists (the hardest to find...) and I've selected the ones who fit the best in the project. We're currently working on vocal melodies and lyrics. Well, I warn you we're working with a female singer, but she's not a classical singer... I will also be putting my clean voice (ala Opeth/Scar Symmetry) here and there...

Our singer is also very good friend of a promotion and gigs organizer enterprise owner, so we will have a fuckload of concerts :D

Thanks for the comments!!

EDIT: Zakky I used the GH's "ThisOne" with some EQing to take some mids and add some highs.

classical female vox style is absolutely great for your band! But i think you should give her a try and put some mp3s of your old projects with her voice here :d It would be other awesome stuffs ;))
Can't wait to see your Caparison Horus pic! i love that brand! :kickass:
Suena De Puta Madre Tío ¡¡

All drum processing is done inside s2 ? sounds really punchy dude :D
Your guitar tone is always badass no matter what you use , now it´s time for some Caparison porn pics .
ME LOVE YOU LONG TIME ! That's some powerful stuff !
The chorus goes straight into my heart :D It's the best I've heard for a very long time
Keep up the good work, this song is good !

The only thing bothering me is the slow attack on the strings in the verse(?) ;)
Excelente! Muy buen mix!

I'd bring the guitars up just a wee-bit, I feel they're a bit buried under the orchestral/symphonic stuff, but that's just my opinion.
Thanks guys!!

I will look the strings issue closer ;)

I did all the processing outside S2.0, i don't like it's stock plugins at all. I only used the Transient to take some of the snare ring off.

Settings on guitars:

Input voltage set to 0.5V
Impulse used: ThisOne by GuitarHack
EMG 85 in bridge.

I also used Waves C4 (sneap settings) after the cabinet impulse, and then it goes into the TC Electronics EQ and finally ends on the blue linear phase EQ.

For bass:

GearBox preset


I used both pickups in bass, mid position
Treble pot maxed
Bass pot mid position

Another new tune, this one is for my Melodeath project, not for Dandelium, so forget it about orchestras, this is plain guitars/bass/drums:


And fucking FL Studio crashed when editing the song this thread is about, and FUCKED UP my fucking template. So I had to start from SCRATCH on drums with this one...
So, forgive me about the shitty snare T.T

Opinions please!!
As always excellent!

What soundcard you use?
I tried your settings, but I have too much noise in sound.