Daniel singing and playing drums in Sacrilege?


May 5, 2002
Yeah I was really into the Fifth Season and really enjoy it, so I had a thought I think most fans are tired of Anders singing, Why don't you give Daniel a shot, he tore shit up in Sacrilege. ok im out, opinions?
I'm not tired at all of Anders' vocals, I actually like em. But I think they should let Daniel do some backing vocals. That'd be cool. Or maybe write a song like DT's Shadow Duet, that would kick much amounts of ass.
I actually think In Flames might be a bit more fresh if Anders left...I guess thats not to say I dislike Anders vocals, I just think hes not getting any better and his clean singing is still way subpar.

Daniel did tear it up on The Fifth Season...man its wierd to picture that voice coming out of Daniel lol.
SACRILEGE is the best motherfucking band!!!!!!!!!! When I met Daniel he said they have a cd coming out. I was fucking happy cause i thought they broke up. SACRILEGGGGGGGEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anders vocals are boring and tiresome. I could only hope he gets kicked out of the band, but that probably won't happen. I fear what atrocious vocals can be found on the Passenger debut.

Daniel kicked major ass in Sacrilege. It would be cool if they came back, but I'm sure it would be watered down horribly.