Danny will sing 5 tracks on the new Spherical Minds album


a light has died
Sep 18, 2002
Groningen, the Netherlands
Visit site
We would like to thank each of you for coming to see us supporting the Cavanagh brothers . We hope you enjoyed the concert and you'll feel like buying the album and coming to our next gigs.
Many thanks to Danny and Vinny Cavanagh for their help, to Rose for her work for this gig.
As for the album, all the tracks have been recorded, Danny Cavanagh sings on five songs, and we hope the mixing will be done by December.
We're looking for a new contract for the album to be released in the best conditions. Concerning the upcoming dates, we cancell the concert on December 3rd -Emergenza- because we totally disagree with the directors and the very principle of this springboard. We hope you'll understand.
We'll keep you informed of the upcoming events.
Thanks again.

from: http://sphericalminds.free.fr/

flebbie said:
Concerning the upcoming dates, we cancell the concert on December 3rd -Emergenza- because we totally disagree with the directors and the very principle of this springboard. We hope you'll understand.

I do ! Who could agree with their policy anyway ?
Never ever participate to this Emergenza shit.
breaklose said:
i could say a lot of unpleasant things about the spherical minds but since some of them are good blokes ill keep quiet.

gooo on, youre a man! nevermind these lot, i'm all ears :D