Dark Angel or Death Angel?


:headbang: DARK FUCKING ANGEL!!!!!!:headbang:

Even though Death Angel's good, too.:)
Dark Angel

I would say Death Angel except they only have one good cd (The Ultraviolence). I don't really like their 2 other ones. And what can I say, Dark Angel, all of their cd's rock. I mean they have Gene Hoglan for God's sake
Dark Angel play far more complex thrash, which is what I really like about them. Death Angel are good though, and they have some comedic, but still awesome songs suchs as 'Bored'. Both really good bands back in their day, but the nod goes to Dark Angel in my book.
Although I didn't like it much at first listen, I really liked the direction Death Angel took with "Act III." Most bands suck or at least get worse when they get "softer" but I think DA was one of the few that improved with their more mellow approach. With all of the thrash music availableat the time, it was actually a nice change for me.
W.A.S.P. and Metal Church were also a couple of the few bands that got better with a more melodic approach as well.

TheEmperor said:
They both fucking rule.

Exactly. It's silly to rate one over the other when both crush most of the new crap available today.

Now that DeathAngel is touring, maybe we'll get some new music from them.