Morbid Angel or Death?

Morbid Angel or Death

  • Death

    Votes: 13 46.4%
  • Morbid Angel

    Votes: 15 53.6%

  • Total voters
^What's your favorite Thrash bands and albums? I mostly listen to Metallica, Slayer, Testament, and little bits of things like Annhilator and Overkill.
Exodus, Heathen, early Iced Earth, Kreator, Megadeth, Metallica, Motorhead (depending on if you think they're thrash or not), Overkill, Slayer, Testament and Toxik are all Thrash bands I like. Biggest for me is Heathen, Overkill, Slayer and Toxik.
Death. Don't get me wrong, Morbid Angel have clearly written some amazing albums (and *guffaw* heretically, my favourite is FFTTF), but Zombie Ritual, in all its simplistic glory single handedly wins it for me.
I love how altars came out in 89 but it still sounds fast and brutal as fuck. I mean, sure, there are bands now that play faster and whatnot, but this album has a feel I also get from Immortal, that even when they arent playing that fast they sound like they are fucking flying. Its hard to explain.

I understand what you mean. The reason why I think this is, is because these albums are so dense. It sounds as if they are racing against time to get everything packed into one song. A good comparison here would be Obscura from Gorguts. While the music itself isn't played entirely at lightspeed, you can tell that there is so much material to cover, that it all just passes by you if you don't pay attention.
What's up with people not getting that Blessed Are The Sick is way above every other death metal album ever made?

This is the right answer. This album is the most complete Death Metal album. From it's concept, to it's variance, to it's speed, to it's technicality and compositions, right down to it's downright epic and twisted riffs. Nothing beats this album, in my opinion.
Death. Don't get me wrong, Morbid Angel have clearly written some amazing albums (and *guffaw* heretically, my favourite is FFTTF), but Zombie Ritual, in all its simplistic glory single handedly wins it for me.

FFTTF is a really good album if you ignore the filler tracks at the end. It's arguably the best album they've released since Blessed.
This is the right answer. This album is the most complete Death Metal album. From it's concept, to it's variance, to it's speed, to it's technicality and compositions, right down to it's downright epic and twisted riffs. Nothing beats this album, in my opinion.
Oddly enough, I was originally more interested in Blessed than in Altars (harking back to when they were released) but these days I prefer Altars.