Dark Hall Sheet Music

Stuart Tucker

New Metal Member
Apr 4, 2002
New Brunswick, Canada
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are there any plans to put a bass transcription for "the pharoah and the nomad" on the site, or any other ways to get a trascription of it? I've been wanting to learn this song for a long time and got a new fretless recently.
Little doubt here! What the master mean with these R1L1R3L2 in the first lines of the song?

Like this:


   R1 L1 L3 R2 L1 L3 R3    R1 L1 L3 R2 L1 L3 R3

Well... Seems messed up in the forum. Anyway, is it any kind of tapping?
HA! I'm not so stupid then! Well... Just a bit...

Steve should put the .ptb file in his site too, it's easyer to play the song if you have the powertab playing at the same time. So Mr. Hippie, any chances of this happening?
I am working to get the songs in PowerTab. I've converted a couple already and Wendy will get those up as soon as I send them to her. I have some more still in Encore format without tab - which I need to finish, and Tyr is helping me get them converted over to PowerTab. And to finish up - I am working on getting The Pharaoh And The Nomad done too.

About that tapping part. It's really not that hard, but with the finger numbering system - I just copied Ron Jarzombek's way, on that Spastic Ink book he sent me a while back, to show what finger on what hand was the one to hit the notes. He's the one who got me started on Encore anyway, so a lot of things I use are from his advice. But I like PowerTab much better for the end result. Me and Tyr have exchanged a few things thru email, so it works nicely. And I plan on having those Dark Hall, Control Denied and Vintersorg songs up as PowerTab. Sadus stuff to follow.
Steve, that is some absolutely killer news to me ears! I realize it's rather time consuming to get those transcriptions done and up, and for that I truly appreciate the effort! I'm sure the rest of your fans can agree, thanks again!
I can´t play it... Maybe I´m playing it wrong??
When I play the first note (R1 17), I hit my righthands first finger to the fret number 17.
I can´t get any noise out of it, just a little wishper...
Am I doing it wrong or am I just a bad player??
I can´t play it... Maybe I´m playing it wrong??
When I play the first note (R1 17), I hit my righthands first finger to the fret number 17.
I can´t get any noise out of it, just a little wishper...
Am I doing it wrong or am I just a bad player??

Hmmmmmmmm... Maybe your bass have some problems. Does it looks like a bow? Are you hitting strong enough? Tapping is really simple stuff, I'm sure you can do it. If not, practice just right hand tapping trying to get the sounds without pulling the string, just hammering in. And try some piano tappings too. I'm almost sure it's your bass. Try the same tapping pattern some frets higher (5th 6th fret) and see if you can't get the sound.
By the way...

Hey Steve, could you put online the Encore files for the songs you have there???

That would rule!

See ya!
HippieOfDoom said:
I am working to get the songs in PowerTab. I've converted a couple already and Wendy will get those up as soon as I send them to her. I have some more still in Encore format without tab - which I need to finish, and Tyr is helping me get them converted over to PowerTab. And to finish up - I am working on getting The Pharaoh And The Nomad done too.

About that tapping part. It's really not that hard, but with the finger numbering system - I just copied Ron Jarzombek's way, on that Spastic Ink book he sent me a while back, to show what finger on what hand was the one to hit the notes. He's the one who got me started on Encore anyway, so a lot of things I use are from his advice. But I like PowerTab much better for the end result. Me and Tyr have exchanged a few things thru email, so it works nicely. And I plan on having those Dark Hall, Control Denied and Vintersorg songs up as PowerTab. Sadus stuff to follow.

Yeah Steve!

power tab will be awsome, I already use it for getting tabs and composing stuff.

That will rule, cause the lessons on your site in PDF I can't read
cause my computer doesnt have acrobat reader.
Higon said:
Hmmmmmmmm... Maybe your bass have some problems. Does it looks like a bow? Are you hitting strong enough? Tapping is really simple stuff, I'm sure you can do it. If not, practice just right hand tapping trying to get the sounds without pulling the string, just hammering in. And try some piano tappings too. I'm almost sure it's your bass. Try the same tapping pattern some frets higher (5th 6th fret) and see if you can't get the sound.

I will try. It worked little better with higher frets. I have practised it alot and it works pretty good now. (i ´m with a new account).