Dark Nova - Sivilla


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Dark Nova – Sivilla
Black Lotus Records – BLRCD081 – March 7th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


In the not-so-distant past, I declared myself to be a review junkie of sorts. So, when Dark Nova’s Sivilla landed on my doorstep in a tattered, white package sent from California, I thought I’d want to cut my ears off after hearing what the slimline case had to offer. Seriously, Sivilla has been panned at seemingly every opportunity, and I must say that Dark Nova are bland at their very worst. Conversely, however, the band composed of three guys, two girls, and a pizza place isn’t as appalling as most music journalists would have you believe.

If there’s anything I wouldn’t believe about the group, it’s that they’ll have been around twenty years by the time the year 2007 rolls around. Surely Sivilla is not the agglomeration of eighteen years of blood, sweat, and tears. Simply put, the best part about this resume is anything that has to do with guitar soloing. Elias Koskoris – the man behind the multi-stringed instrument – performs beyond the call of duty on the entirety of Sivilla. More often than not, Dark Nova attempt to recreate a heavy metal sound without being overly intuitive, or non-drab for that matter. “In a Crevasse of Time” rises above mediocrity for myriad reasons, and the rhythms of “Say No More” are most assuredly ear-catching. Admittedly, I do like how “Too Late to Hide” sets itself up with such a sturdy riff complemented by double-kick.

Ultimately, I delved into this with a negative predisposition that turned out to be trumped by my open-mindedness, maybe? Anyhow, Dark Nova are a lot better than I thought they would be, but I still like my music much more spicy. Black Lotus’s roster has juicier platters, and I could go for a serving of Thanatos right about…now.


Official Dark Nova Website
Official Black Lotus Records Website