Dark Quarterer - anyone heard of these guys??

Absolutely love Dark Quarterer, and have been pimpin' them for a while now. Everyone I have persuaded to pick up one of their albums love them.
Their latest effort "Symbols" is without a doubt number 2 on my list of best cd's of 2008.
Actually, all their albums are excellent, although the first one (S/T) lacks a bit in the production.

S/T 3 / 5
The Etruscan Prophecy 4 / 5
Violence 4 / 5
War Tears 5 / 5
Symbols 5 / 5

It's hard to describe their music. Maybe a little like Porcupine Tree meets Candlemass meets Goblin.

Highly Recommended!! :headbang:
I hadn't heard of these guys before this post.

So I checked them out.

Wow. Really cool music. Epic progressive metal.

Unfortunately, two of their four CDs are hard to find. I think they're out of print. eBay has a couple of them. The Omega/The End has two of them (War Tears and Symbols) for sale. Same two available on Amazon (but for a much higher price).

For anyone who'd like a preview of their music, visit The Omega/The End site. Both of those albums can be listened to (at least, snippets of both albums -- easily enough to tell how good this stuff is). Their MySpace page also streams a few tunes.

Great thread. Thanks for the info!

You can get the almost impossible to find Violence at Metal Disc.
Never bought from these guys so I can't say if they are good or bad.

Denis @ Sentinel Steel has the debut album, Symbols and War Tears, and he is as solid as a rock. I think the first one is cheap as dirt as well, around 9 bucks or so.
You can get the almost impossible to find Violence at Metal Disc.
Never bought from these guys so I can't say if they are good or bad.

Denis @ Sentinel Steel has the debut album, Symbols and War Tears, and he is as solid as a rock. I think the first one is cheap as dirt as well, around 9 bucks or so.

Thanks for the tip. The Sentinel Steel web site features unbelievably low prices (and all three of the Dark Quarterer CDs you mentioned). However, it's a strange site, somewhat difficult to navigate and figure out.

Still, I immediately placed an order with Denis.

Thanks for the tip. The Sentinel Steel web site features unbelievably low prices (and all three of the Dark Quarterer CDs you mentioned). However, it's a strange site, somewhat difficult to navigate and figure out.

Still, I immediately placed an order with Denis.


I agree that Denis site is a little peculiar at times, but as you get used to it, it really works well. Stuff is cheap, quality is above par and deliveries are fast. His used stuff is always in "as new" condition unless he states otherwise.

Also try the stuff on his own label. Great old school true metal that almost all metal fans can find enjoyable.

Good Luck with Dark Quarterer.
I put in an order myself... I don't think I can get these discs fast enough... Thanks for the mention of Sentinel Steel!!!

And glad that one more person is listening to 'em now - including me!!! :kickass:
HI!! for albums of this band you can contact the "My Graveyard Productions" the label that has release "Symbols", but also the third "War Tears" the second "Etruscan Prophecy" (in this year). with them it's in project for the end of 2009 a double dvd live and the rerelease of "Violence" that will be replaied from the band. for the first album "Dark Quarterer" ask the MGYP i think that they can find it somewhere.
Hang tough on ebay to find their S/T and Etruscan Prophecy, they will pop up scarcely, those are the essentials, the later stuff isn't as good. No comment on their latest, "Symbols", which I do not have and have not heard.