Dark tranquility riffs?

hmmmmmm dont know about that but , i do know u cant play it w/ 1 guitar or it sounds like crap , you need 2 guitars too hit the full flavor! :)
Someone actually mentioned the name of the game on the old forum. Anyone here who'd remember it?

-Villain (the one with only 64k of memory)
I really can't remember either, although i am 99.99% sure that the notes for the riffs are the exact same. Hmmm, perhaps DT has been inspired by nintendo melodies? hehehe

As for poet, are you talking about the rhythm guitar that is playing as well or just the mini-solo, cause i can rip that one apart on my guitar. :p
Because you need two guitars to play most of today's melodic death metal...
I wish i knew a good enough guitarist that could jam some DT or In flames or COB along with me heh :headbang:. That would kick instead of just having me alternating between rhythm guitar and solos. :loco:
Originally posted by Final_Vision

Villain, I miss your Taz avvy, now I picture you as a hot cartoon character......:err:

Hmm, you would rather picture me as a hairy Tazmanian Devil? You're a perv! :eek:


Eh, I still like Taz, but I thought I needed to take him on a small "break" so to say. Don't worry, he'll be back... someday...

-Villain (who still doesn't remember anything important)