Dark Wanderer


Hamster Style
Jun 19, 2005

you prick.

in my head.

it is now stuck.

that was a Haiku.


More is on the way, I promise. I called the guy who did vocals on Dark Wanderer and here is how the phone conversation went:

006: Hey Ryan, it's Mike.
Ryan: Hey Mike what's going on?
006: Nothin really, I have a question for you.
Ryan: Shoot.
006: Remember that 80's song we did a long time ago?
Ryan: Dark Wanderer?
006: Yeah.
Ryan: Yeah.
006: I showed to these guys on this forum, and they loved it.
006: They want more.
Ryan: How badly?
006: Going on almost two straight days of replies.
Ryan: Really?
006: Yeah, it's crazy.
Ryan: Hmm. Everytime we goof around, people love it. But when we're serious, of course they hate it...
006: Yeah I know...But hey-
Ryan: Yeah?
006: Want to do some more songs?
Ryan: Of course.
006: Cool.

*end of conversation*

It's on.

Ok, after a lengthy AIM conversation with Ryan, we've decided to do an entire album. We're going to try and get it done before next Tuesday because he starts Grad School then, if not before then...then we'll have to find time when he's free to finish it.

The band is called Ice Wizards. The material will be along the lines of Dark Wanderer, involving dragons, wizards, ice & snow, knights, epic battles, castles, mountains, forests, elves/trolls and various other majestic things. We also might re-do Dark Wanderer. Or maybe leave it as a "bonus track" for the album. Haven't decided yet, my thoughts are that there is no way we could re-create the magic for that one song. But rest assured, the other songs will be classics. Now I'm off to make the album art. Cheers.
