Darkflight - Perfectly Calm

Climb Thar Hill

not family oriented
Jan 23, 2006
Tomb of the Giants
Deserving of their own thread? Why yes!!

Everyone should surely check this out (if you have yet to) it's quite amazing. The last track "L'Ether Astral" is a personal fave (the lead towards the end of the song is stellar).

Way to go Arse Gasam!
I'm finding the music a little too uneventful/unprovocative on the whole

Another victim of the RC Hype machine. I couldn't sit through the entire length of this album without getting bored and turning to talk radio. My listening sessions never lasted more than ten minutes when attempting to consume the synth sprawled sloth that is known as Perfectly Calm. On a positive note, this recording is a step away from the self inflicted keyboard coitus exhibited on Under a Shadow of Fear. Unfortunately, the modest amount of maturation shown falls short of the glory of Sir Nigbeat.

Brothers, stay far away from this release. :erk:
Brothers, stay far away from this release. :erk:

Well I was going to thank you for sending the extra postage $ but now I don't know. :lol:

Yury/Convivial Hermit didn't care for it, either. If two people whose tastes I respect so much didn't like it, where does that leave me? Oh the humanity!!

Sorry to hear you were disappointed. I definitely appreciate the purchase, though! :kickass:
Don't worry Arse Magma, I was spurred on directly by RiA's post and I've found that I liked what I heard, so I might buy it within the next few years.
i'm surprised there are still people buying stuff blindly without checking them out properly, that's why those myspace previews are for, right?