Primordial - they deserve their own thread

Bump...just bought the new Primordial and it rules. Especially The Coffin Ships, which is perfect in just about every way, the dual guitar tone on it is glorious and Alan's vocals are gut-wrenching, anyone who isn't moved by him reading from an inscription on a grave of famine victims has no soul.
It's too early yet to compare it to either A Journey's End or Spirit the Earth Aflame, but my goat, it's catching up at high speed.

Put it this way, in its current standing, it's album of the year....but it's gonna have some tough competition this year. It'll have to be an incredible year of other releases if it didn't make top 3.
I've listened to The Gathering Wilderness several times (I spent 2 days hauling hay bales, so I listened to CDs quite a bit). "Cities Carved In Stone" is brilliant, I must say.

I like this one A LOT more than Storm Before Calm.
That's because Storm Before Calm is one of their weaker efforts. Get A Journey's End and Spirit the Earth Aflame. I'm really liking the new one.
So far, this is how they rank:

The Gathering Wilderness = Spirit the Earth Aflame = A Journey's End > Storm Before Calm

I cannot comment on Imrama(?) - I don't have it.

I cannot comment on The Burning Season since I own it, but have not heard it. I only got it a couple of days ago's in the car....tonight I'll give it a spin....and hopefully make gay babies with 80mph.
By the way, does anyone else notice the similarities between Destroyer 666 and Primordial?

It's like D666 are the DM equivalent of Primordial...
Yeah, listen out for tracks like "Rise of the Predator", "The Last Revelation", or "I am the WarGod". It's the same chord formations, just played at differing tempos obviously.

Also, what a cover!

I would say this is their best release to date and is at least equal to Spirit, but I don't own everything by them. I agree with Nate, the closing tracks perfectly captures the feeling of being a stranger in a strange land, and once again I have to stress how much I love the contrasting guitars.
OK just got through listening to "The Burning Season" EP.

And The Sun Set On Life Forever...oh. my. god. This band never ceases to amaze me.

Tell me, how is this song different to "Let the Sun set on Life Forever"? Should I get Imrama?
Hello, my name is NAD and I've never heard them shitz. Could somebody hook a nikkuh up?

Warmest Regards,
Yes, get Imrama.

Not sure how they're different, but according to Metal Archives, the song on the EP is twice as long. You probably have the other three tracks as bonus tracks on the other albums.