
Kains D

Am I my brother's keeper?
Feb 17, 2002
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It may be obvious to point out how important Darkness is for Katatonia. but I want to point out that it's more like a person, an entity that is like a mother that nurtures yet binds.
for me the word "darkness" is mostly associated with the feeling of darkness,the feeling that one is lost,that the "light" of life is gone, and less with the real abscence of light....
But check out how Darkness is representated in the lyrics of A Darkness Coming, Tonight's Decision, and In Death, A Song. It's different each time.
for me darkness makes everything deeper. Things get more meaning and so do thoughts and feelings. In the dark i can focus my thoughts on things/feelings that really move me. There exists a silence just like someone killed every noise there was before.
Silence combined with darkness can really be a powerful unit giving you strength.
Talking of the other darkness,the one that is within us, for me darkness is the whole of every depressive/sad feeling like emptiness and fear, feeling lost, drifting.
I agree with falling bird, I find my senses acute in the dark, and I feel like I can reach beyond matter onto spirit.
But I don't fear darkness, even the one that dwells inside me. For it's my strength and a part of me.