i depend on darkness

In all fairness, what really makes it hard to enjoy life are ignorant fuckers who have nothing to offer but useless advice and pathetic 'words of wisdom': "Don't worry about it", "Forget about it", "Life is great", 'Smile!" etc.:Puke:
Life itself does certainly not rock, therefore it's much to false and dishonest. When i think of life i think of the society,people i see who react cold and mean, who just rush through their lives without stopping for one moment and realising what life's all about and how they are concerning other people.
For me friends rock, music rocks,love rocks,nature rocks, things that give me something, power,strength but also sadness and sorrow. Things and feelings that remain in me and on which i try to build up my life so that i'm able to say that this is MY life.
"Life" is such an individual word,it's subjective.
One person explains life by combining his/her life with everything around him/her,he then says:"wow,life is so great!"
The other one would say:"Hey,i'm feeling so good!" related to the things he experienced,might it be through music or whatever.

So,what i want to say is, that everyone thinks different about "life" and what it means for him.
I think therefore we all should just tolerate every form of life attitude.

Don't just come along saying things like:"hey,forget about your sorrow,life rocks"! There has to be more to it than just 1 simple sentence.

Many of you might laugh at me now thinking:"as if he got a plan of what life was about"
I don't have a plan, i'm just trying to get one;)
If life rocks or not I don't know. Sometimes life is great and sometimes it is not so great. I can relate a lot to what Elric wrote in the starting post though, so for once I felt I wanted to write something too, although I don't know how much I can add.

Why some people find darkness more enjoyable than other people I can only guess. We're probably born with it. Same goes for everything really, why do some people enjoy anything some others don't enjoy at all? Doesn't really set us apart that much if you ask me.

I love dark art, be it movies, music, comics, books, or what have you. I do it mainly because it touches me, how can you not feel anything for the person in Katatonias "Gone", the people in the movie "magnolia", or Dream from the comic book "the Sandman". Uhm, just to name a few examples of pretty dark and sad works. Feeling touched is great if you ask me, makes me feel alive. Not that I don't like comedy too, but the dark sides have always held me closer.

Now, sitting outside a beautiful spring day, just existing, can be greater still. It also touches, makes me feel alive. For once everything is alright with the world, at least for the moment. But maybe it is because we have to few of those beautiful spring days around here :).

And really is "Smile!" a bad advice? I don't know, silly perhaps, ignorant too. But bad? Don't think so. "Fuck it" may be a better advice perhaps (the dude from the big lebowski comes to mind). Anyway...
I think that life is full of many wonderful moments, the only thing is that sometimes we are too blind to catch and see these moments.
I know that perhaps for many people life sucks, but have they ever asked themselves why does it suck? Couldn't it be just because they want to see only the negative sides without considering the positive ones?
I think that we are the makers of our life, bad things happen, but many times it's just our fault, so we shouldn't say that it's only unluck or destiny, but we should have the strenght to fight and to go on.
I tend to be pessimistic, but this attitude has ruined my life and I wasted a lot of time feeling sorry for myself, blaming people and events becasue my life wasn't as I wanted it to be.

Now I'm trying to change and to see things under different points of view and I discovered many beautiful things that I couldn't appreciate before. I mean, just think of music, that's one of the things that makes life worth to live, than nature, books, friends and many many other things help us to hold on and to enjoy this "life full of darkness"....
For those who understand German: words of wisdom by Anders Nyström himself (from an old interview)...

"Im Allgemeinen haben die Menschen Angst davor, depressiv zu sein und auf ihre dunklen Gefühle ein wenig einzugehen, aber wenn man erst einmal "da unten" ist, denke ich, ist die beste Sache, die man tun kann, eine Weile seinem Elend zu frönen. Sich mit sorgenvoller und dunkler Musik aufzutanken wird dann wie eine Therapie wirken. Man erhält eine Verbindung und einen Bezug zu den Botschaften. Wenn man furchtbar tief in seine eigene Dunkelheit sinkt, hilft es, wenn man weiß, daß man damit nicht alleine ist. Es ist etwas gleichsam schönes, wie es auch schrecklich ist."
Can i play that game too :p

depressão é caracterizada por falta de vontade de viver ou por medo de enfrentar algo que a pessoa acha que não consegue enfrentar ou medo de algo com o qual ela se sente incapaz de lidar. Igualmente pode resultar de uma desorientação da pessoa ou seja ela sente que lhe falta algo que lhe dê um motivo para viver. A depressão pode levar ao suicídio ou a uma incapacidade de funcionar quer física quer mentalmente.

Esta situação tanto pode acontecer na infância como na adolescência como na vida adulta ou mesmo após o parto.

Em qualquer das situações a pessoa sente-se incapaz de lidar com algo, ou sente medo de lidar com algo e isso leva-a a afastar-se de tudo e de todos podendo tentar ou consumar o suicídio.

É uma situação para a qual todos devíamos estar prevenidos pois pode acontecer com qualquer pessoa, acontecendo mesmo com alguém da nossa família sem que tenhamos consciência desse facto. Aliás, os sintomas da pessoa podem passar completamente despercebidos e só tomamos consciência da situação quando a pessoa comete alguma asneira. Depois é demasiado tarde. Para evitar asneiras demasiado graves devemos agir quanto antes melhor e para isso temos de estar precavidos acerca dos sintomas que são um sinal de depressão para que saibamos se nós ou alguém à nossa volta sofre de depressão.

Alguns dos sintomas são:

Afastamento de amigos ou pessoas.

Falta de vontade de realizar uma determinada tarefa que progressivamente se alastra ou pode alastrar a muitas outras actividades.

Perda de vontade de fazer seja o que for. Desiste da vida e de lutar por ela e pelas coisas.

Cansaço ou falta de energia.

Vontade de ficar só. Afasta-se de tudo e todos.

Não querer ouvir barulhos ou querer musica ou barulhos em altos berros (pois é uma forma de se alhear e afastar do que se passa à sua volta).

Abusar de medicamentos, álcool ou drogas. (Costumam ser meios para se afastar e alhear do que se passa à sua volta).

Medo de executar determinada tarefa; ou medo do que possa acontecer se falhar. Vive obsecrada com a sua incapacidade ou com o que possa acontecer a outrem se ela falhar.

Vontade de chorar ou chora às escondidas.

Dores de cabeça, uma grande tensão ou desconforto a nível das costas, ombros ou cabeça ou pode mesmo ter dores ou desconfortos a nível lombar ou cintura.

Não se sente bem em lado nenhum.

Sente-se triste e abatida sem conseguir encontrar algo que a anime ou que lhe consiga despertar interesse.

Tem maus resultados escolares, incapacidade de se concentrar ou irrita-se facilmente.

Desleixa-se com o vestir ou com a sua apresentação. Isso deixou de lhe interessar.

ether - thank you for that last post, that pretty much sums up my opinions :) life may be dark but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it just the same :) we've got an advantage over the rest of the world... most people can only find enjoyment in 'happy' things... if you can look at the rest of things and enjoy that too, you're that much better off... i completely agree with you - being pessimistic may be easier at times, but its no fun atall...
"The only thing we can ever be certain of is death..."

I live my life around this... I don't waste my time with false preoccupations and responsibilities. Life is not about how much money you have, how big your house is or whether or not your furniture is clean. Life is about living! I make sure I do so every single day to the point where I would be satisfied if I were to die, right then and there! I'm not frightened of death. I don't want to rush it but I don't want to fight it either. I live, I love, I die... as simple as that. I once defined life as "music, literature and romance"... but that was when I wasn't single! ;)