Are any of you mentally ill?

I'm a caffeine and alcohol addict. I think I might have depression, but I'm not sure...I'm happy listening to records all day, and being at work(even if I hate it sometimes)...I'm just socially awkward from time to time. Then again I talk a lot...but that's the caffeine I like to imitate peoples voices...and sometimes that gets me in trouble :)

But for being these things...I'm a morning person.
Well I'm overweight if that counts as an eating disorder, im a little OCD on somethings, but who isnt right :lol:.

I'm 19 btw. I have mixed feelings about medication, sometimes I feel I should be on it, but other times I feel it would be an easy way out of dealing with my problems. Now you see I dont personally think I have a problem with alcohol, I drink about a bottle of wine a night, sometimes more. I dont think that is excessive myself as im quite a big guy I can take alcohol more than average sized people. My friends think I'm an alcoholic though:lol:.

Having self harmed for so long I dont want to think of my life without it, it keeps me in control of my life. Although christ there are so many downsides to it:

Not being able to go swimming.
Not being able to go to the beach.
Constantly wearing longsleves, even in the most unbearable hot weather.
Being scared that someone will touch you and break your stitches, or feeling your scars under your clothes.
Constantly feeling on guard so that no-one sees that little bit of scar when your shirt comes down your arm.
Having to wash blood stained clothes and bed sheets in private.
Feeling sick all the time that family and/or friends will find out and judge you.
Getting funny looks as you buy tools.
Feeling soul crushing shame as you tell your friend, family member, councellor, doctor.
Not being able to go an hour without thinking about it.
Being scared of being alone of what you might do.
What if you cut too deep one time?
Constantly scanning peoples arms to see signs of SH, to convince yourself your not alone.
And the pang in yourself when you find you are, and theres no-one else.
The fear of panic attacks.
Having little money, as so much goes towards it, before and after.
Running into public bathrooms to do it.
Not being able to controll yourself.
Dreaming about it.

Just a warning to those thinking about SH or who ever wants to SH, never, ever, ever fucking do it. You'll be addicted from day one, then its just a fucking spiral down towards needing fucking stitches 3/4 times a week.

And also going to see professionals etc, I always have this fear in my head that they'll think im crazy and shove me in some loony bin and I'll stay there for the rest of my life.

Right! Skip to the end if you don't want to read everything...I might have written too much.

First of all, there are MANY like you..heh as you probably know? Yeah..OCD is something a lot of people have to some extent..hehe.

I mostly see girls cutting themselves these days, but I used to know some guys who did it

About you being afraid of being thrown into psychiatric ward: Institutions are not (at least here in Norway) a place you should be. If you're an acute danger to yourself or others...or have a severe mental disorder which you don't have I think (but then again, I don't really know you at it's just a guess all in all). Besides, the goal where I work is to get people on their feet so that they can take care of themselves as fast as possible. It costs a LOT of money, so the sooner patients gets better, the better!

Medication can help a lot of people, but never alone. There must be a good therapeutic program too. Most importantly, you must see that you have a problem. You do, so that is why this probably is going to go very well!

It's a commonly heard thing from psychiatrists who lectured at my school that almost the majority of high school kids sooner or later tend to various extent touch a diagnose in that age. Much because of hormones going completely off the charts...and lots of pressure and stress etc. Most grow out of it.

I've had at least 3 friends who used to cut themselves when they where at your age. One of them got hospitalized and got a diagnose after having been to the US and trying out drugs she later didn't admit to using until well..years and years later.
She got a wrong diagnose and was treated wrong for many years (her not admitting to the drug use, should not have made it so much harder to figure out the right diagnose though!) Horrible..but when she finally got the right diagnose (after 5 years..incredible!) her life went back on track..more or less. Lucky!

I was sure she would be a mental case for the rest of her life. It wasn't an easy way back to a normal life, but she did it.

When she cut herself. It was very VERY deep cuts. Both her arms looked like they had been through a meat grinder at times. And she seldom covered it up. I always got the chills looking at her arms in the summer even if I was rather used to people cutting themselves..this was way worse than I had ever seen. I never mentioned anything about her arms to her nor did I look at them so that she could see it. Which brings me to a little point actually:

Most people will pretend that they don't see or know about the cutting, because all in all it's no matter how you look at it your way of trying to show others your problems/pain etc. I know that most people cut themselves to get away from mental pains/issues, but it all boils down to the ego in the end. This could of course be discussed and yes, I should read more about this, I don't have many scientific facts about cutting, but there are books about it and the science of it is beginning to get better.

Most people will think either "a cry for attention right", "grow up silly goth!", "I'm not going give you any response to that, because I'll probably say something wrong so that he cuts himself more" or "poor you..I feel your pain" "damn..I don't know how to respond to this" This last one if probably very common.

Some people here and there will try to help you, but after a while people will give up if you don't show any sign of trying yourself. But you do, so great!'s the alcohol part which is really your biggest problem right now. If you drink every are per definition an alcoholic. And if you suffer from anxiety, then alcohol will enlarge your anxiety, not right away when you drink, but the day after ++.
Can you manage without alcohol for a day, week or month?

You say you're a big guy, but really...that doesn't make it any better. It will make you bigger (scientific fact: unhealthy living causes depression and lots of others diseases)
It's why there's a link between depression and diabetes too.

My father is an alcoholic and a diabetic...he's refused help his whole life more or less for the alcoholism. He IS severly depressed now. I almost don't talk to him anymore. I pity him and want to help, but you can't help someone who doesn't want help. At least it takes a LOT of energy which I don't have. You can encourage them for a while though...but not push too hard..cause that WILL backfire. I guess that has happened a lot with him. Being pushed too hard. He's tried some medication and for periods been quite nice to deal with. But right now he's thrown the medication again..and it pretty much going to hell.

But yes, back to you.

All in all, I'm pretty sure you'll make it. You're young and you seem to know you have at least a mental problem. Your alcohol issue probably won't affect you too much right now, but give it a year or more..and it will. You might believe that your body/mind won't be affected, but it will. 100% sure. It happens often so slow that you never notice it.
One last note: You mention you suffer from anxiety too which often is a partner of OCD. Alcohol also blows anxiety up more. Lots of caffeine can give you anxiety attacks btw.

God...I'll shut up after this question.
Why did you stop using the medication you got? Did it give you any sideeffects that you didn't like? (I'm not trying to get you on drugs, cause you're getting helps it seems..I just want to understand your reason for quitting it :). Or was it because you couldn't drink alcohol AND take the medication? Cause...that will fuck it up.

This is what all medication that works is about. All medication have sideeffects, just like everything in life has a downside and a upside. You have to look at the balance. Is the medication so bad that it outweights the cutting, loss of belief in yourself, shame, loss of relationships etc..? That's just a point...the best is still to not use medication IF you manage to get better on your own with the therapy sessions.
I'm a caffeine and alcohol addict. I think I might have depression, but I'm not sure...I'm happy listening to records all day, and being at work(even if I hate it sometimes)...I'm just socially awkward from time to time. Then again I talk a lot...but that's the caffeine I like to imitate peoples voices...and sometimes that gets me in trouble :)

But for being these things...I'm a morning person.

If you have a depression, then it's very very mild. I would describe myself with a possible depression too...but it's nothing that needs medication yet.

It's a bit dangerous to use the word depression so much though. It's not easy to get the diagnose.

So...maybe we're just melancholic guys? Notice how I've made us into a group already ;)
Rofl that's awesome, a pretty unusual job for a man. You're still cute in my eyes though.


I guess i may as well mention that after highschool, as long as I'm accepted I'll be taking a nursing course. It's not that unusual nowadays... just in the 1950s and stuff.

Well, it's getting better and better!
It might sound like heaven to study with a group/class consisting of 85% girls, but it helps a lot with a couple of guys to lower the estrogen levels. It was heaven and hell at the same time really.
Good choice of work btw Kendrick!

You will face a lot of fears during education. Needles, washing old men and women, poop poop and more poop. Womit, sad and horrific tragedies which contains a lot of blood, bones...and yes, the favourite..getting yelled at from hysterical parents. Ungreatful patients who think you're their servants is also fun. Just painting a little dark picture for you here so that you understand what you're going to. This just happens now and then..except poop...there is always poop ;)

The nursing course (in norway and britain I think) has one of the biggest drop out statistics. But that might be because all the barbie girls who just want to look sexy in a nursing outfit. Mind you, the norwegian nursing outfits are NOT sexy. Their made so that it more or less impossible to see forms of any sort. Which is smart (and a bit sad!), because old men (or young for that matter) tend to hit on nurses a LOT. My gf who is also a nurse have encountered quite a lot of that recently. The classical nursing outfit which everyone love to see don't exist anymore sadly..heh.
They say my bro is ill. Maybe he is, maybe doctor is right.
Although he isn't my real brother, I love him and I believe he won't leave me now. He listens to Katatonia too and knows about music more than many people. I will hold him so hard 'till my knuckles turn white and longer.
Right! Skip to the end if you don't want to read everything...I might have written too much.

First of all, there are MANY like you..heh as you probably know? Yeah..OCD is something a lot of people have to some extent..hehe.

I mostly see girls cutting themselves these days, but I used to know some guys who did it

About you being afraid of being thrown into psychiatric ward: Institutions are not (at least here in Norway) a place you should be. If you're an acute danger to yourself or others...or have a severe mental disorder which you don't have I think (but then again, I don't really know you at it's just a guess all in all). Besides, the goal where I work is to get people on their feet so that they can take care of themselves as fast as possible. It costs a LOT of money, so the sooner patients gets better, the better!

Medication can help a lot of people, but never alone. There must be a good therapeutic program too. Most importantly, you must see that you have a problem. You do, so that is why this probably is going to go very well!

It's a commonly heard thing from psychiatrists who lectured at my school that almost the majority of high school kids sooner or later tend to various extent touch a diagnose in that age. Much because of hormones going completely off the charts...and lots of pressure and stress etc. Most grow out of it.

I've had at least 3 friends who used to cut themselves when they where at your age. One of them got hospitalized and got a diagnose after having been to the US and trying out drugs she later didn't admit to using until well..years and years later.
She got a wrong diagnose and was treated wrong for many years (her not admitting to the drug use, should not have made it so much harder to figure out the right diagnose though!) Horrible..but when she finally got the right diagnose (after 5 years..incredible!) her life went back on track..more or less. Lucky!

I was sure she would be a mental case for the rest of her life. It wasn't an easy way back to a normal life, but she did it.

When she cut herself. It was very VERY deep cuts. Both her arms looked like they had been through a meat grinder at times. And she seldom covered it up. I always got the chills looking at her arms in the summer even if I was rather used to people cutting themselves..this was way worse than I had ever seen. I never mentioned anything about her arms to her nor did I look at them so that she could see it. Which brings me to a little point actually:

Most people will pretend that they don't see or know about the cutting, because all in all it's no matter how you look at it your way of trying to show others your problems/pain etc. I know that most people cut themselves to get away from mental pains/issues, but it all boils down to the ego in the end. This could of course be discussed and yes, I should read more about this, I don't have many scientific facts about cutting, but there are books about it and the science of it is beginning to get better.

Most people will think either "a cry for attention right", "grow up silly goth!", "I'm not going give you any response to that, because I'll probably say something wrong so that he cuts himself more" or "poor you..I feel your pain" "damn..I don't know how to respond to this" This last one if probably very common.

Some people here and there will try to help you, but after a while people will give up if you don't show any sign of trying yourself. But you do, so great!'s the alcohol part which is really your biggest problem right now. If you drink every are per definition an alcoholic. And if you suffer from anxiety, then alcohol will enlarge your anxiety, not right away when you drink, but the day after ++.
Can you manage without alcohol for a day, week or month?

You say you're a big guy, but really...that doesn't make it any better. It will make you bigger (scientific fact: unhealthy living causes depression and lots of others diseases)
It's why there's a link between depression and diabetes too.

My father is an alcoholic and a diabetic...he's refused help his whole life more or less for the alcoholism. He IS severly depressed now. I almost don't talk to him anymore. I pity him and want to help, but you can't help someone who doesn't want help. At least it takes a LOT of energy which I don't have. You can encourage them for a while though...but not push too hard..cause that WILL backfire. I guess that has happened a lot with him. Being pushed too hard. He's tried some medication and for periods been quite nice to deal with. But right now he's thrown the medication again..and it pretty much going to hell.

But yes, back to you.

All in all, I'm pretty sure you'll make it. You're young and you seem to know you have at least a mental problem. Your alcohol issue probably won't affect you too much right now, but give it a year or more..and it will. You might believe that your body/mind won't be affected, but it will. 100% sure. It happens often so slow that you never notice it.
One last note: You mention you suffer from anxiety too which often is a partner of OCD. Alcohol also blows anxiety up more. Lots of caffeine can give you anxiety attacks btw.

God...I'll shut up after this question.
Why did you stop using the medication you got? Did it give you any sideeffects that you didn't like? (I'm not trying to get you on drugs, cause you're getting helps it seems..I just want to understand your reason for quitting it :). Or was it because you couldn't drink alcohol AND take the medication? Cause...that will fuck it up.

This is what all medication that works is about. All medication have sideeffects, just like everything in life has a downside and a upside. You have to look at the balance. Is the medication so bad that it outweights the cutting, loss of belief in yourself, shame, loss of relationships etc..? That's just a point...the best is still to not use medication IF you manage to get better on your own with the therapy sessions.

I went to the doctors yesterday and asked for some different medication, which they gave me, its called Citalopram. The problem with the other meds was that it increased my thoughts of self harm and suicide, so yea I didnt want to take them anymore. And Ive got a councelling appointment this friday, so I guess that will help as well.

I guess its probably best not to drink whilst im on the meds, so Im not going to drink for the next two weeks. I am slightly concerned about the meds though, they say that they may increase anxiety, which I'd rather didnt happen.
I went to the doctors yesterday and asked for some different medication, which they gave me, its called Citalopram. The problem with the other meds was that it increased my thoughts of self harm and suicide, so yea I didnt want to take them anymore. And Ive got a councelling appointment this friday, so I guess that will help as well.

I guess its probably best not to drink whilst im on the meds, so Im not going to drink for the next two weeks. I am slightly concerned about the meds though, they say that they may increase anxiety, which I'd rather didnt happen.

Great! :)

Citalopram or Cipramil is one we use a lot here in Norway. I see that the sideeffects is pretty normal the first 1-2 weeks, mostly 1 out of 10 will feel some kind of it tiredness, vomiting, more spit secretion etc....There's always a lot of sideeffects to a drug that works. But again, see if the good outweights the bad.

And yes, you're right, it can increase anxiety...but if it's not too bad, you should try to manage up to two weeks if possible. If not, change again. I know it tough, but it's your mental health we're talking about, nothing is more important. The easy way is almost never truly the easy way when it comes to stuff like this.

I salute you for managing to deal with this so far. I often don't really believe people when they say that they will change, but so far you really seem to try. Brilliant!
You might be smacked in the face a couple of times all depends on oh so many things, but at least you're trying. Please feel free to say something if you manage to pull through the first 2 weeks without having any trouble. If you fall flat on your face..well, then you're at least on your way to knowing what doesn't work for you.

I really hope this works out for you! :rock:
I will ceremonially burn my borderline disorder diagnosis I received two years ago within the year.
While had times where I was mentally unstable and no doubt have recurring potential I resent the way in which I was labeled and treated and will never ever talk to a psychologist again.

Upside is it got me out of military service. But fuck it.

I cannot say anything, but really, really wishing you well. Moose is way better at talking about this.

Something I can comment on however..

Just a warning to those thinking about SH or who ever wants to SH, never, ever, ever fucking do it. You'll be addicted from day one, then its just a fucking spiral down towards needing fucking stitches 3/4 times a week.

He is absolutely fucking right. Never ever do it.
I have nightmares in which I started again.
Lisra;8533936]I will ceremonially burn my borderline disorder diagnosis I received two years ago within the year.
While had times where I was mentally unstable and no doubt have recurring potential I resent the way in which I was labeled and treated and will never ever talk to a psychologist again.

The problem is that there are many who give out a diagnosis way too easily. Especially when you're young these diagnosis will change and very often not be something permanent at all. Meaning...there are a lot of over diagnosing going around.

A wrong diagnosis is bad and it happens too often. That's really sad.

Borderline Diagnosis? The problem with getting this at a early age is that a lot of young people will have the symptoms. When I look through the symptoms I'm pretty sure I had at least 4 out of 6 when I was 16-21 or so. Anyhoo, I'm just guessing...but it sounds like that psychologist might have done a typical error. I know that at least today, diagnosing people under 20 years of age can be a very difficult thing.

If I was to ever get a diagnose, I'm 100% sure that I would get a second opinion before I would take it least if I didn't trust the psychiatrist or psychologist enough or felt that it might be wrong in any way.

Btw If you get a diagnose and you're below 23 years of age...your very very likely to grow out of it. Even schizophrenic people can live a somewhat normal life with the right help.
Btw If you get a diagnose and you're below 23 years of age...your very very likely to grow out of it. Even schizophrenic people can live a somewhat normal life with the right help.

Yeah, I've watched that in a guy I knew a bit. And I'm determined to do the same.

Borderline Diagnosis? The problem with getting this at a early age is that a lot of young people will have the symptoms. When I look through the symptoms I'm pretty sure I had at least 4 out of 6 when I was 16-21 or so. Anyhoo, I'm just guessing...but it sounds like that psychologist might have done a typical error. I know that at least today, diagnosing people under 20 years of age can be a very difficult thing.

If I was to ever get a diagnose, I'm 100% sure that I would get a second opinion before I would take it least if I didn't trust the psychiatrist or psychologist enough or felt that it might be wrong in any way.

I had my councelling session today, and it really really well. I've never got on with a councellor so well before, he gave me some really good angles on my SH and depression that Ive never really thought about before. There was one point where I told him about one time in my job last year when I was a learining support assistant at my old school. At the end of term the bottom set dyslexic class made homemade cards for me telling me thanks for the help and to remember them and they had very funny pictures of me drawn on them. And I started to cry at this point :waah:, and I looked up and he had cryed a bit as well. It just makes it so much easier to have these sessions with someone who seems to care. Lol all in all I wish the session hadnt ended, I cant believe I'm looking forward to the next one. Fuck, maybe things are starting to turn around :).
I was reading a similar thread on a different forum a few years ago. This guy was talking about ways to deal with self harm. He said when he got the urge to cut he would run to the freezer and get out 2 ice cubes, hold one in each hand and squeeze them until they were completely melted. The end result was cold hands but all skin intact. Give it a try if you like.
I had my councelling session today, and it really really well. I've never got on with a councellor so well before, he gave me some really good angles on my SH and depression that Ive never really thought about before. There was one point where I told him about one time in my job last year when I was a learining support assistant at my old school. At the end of term the bottom set dyslexic class made homemade cards for me telling me thanks for the help and to remember them and they had very funny pictures of me drawn on them. And I started to cry at this point :waah:, and I looked up and he had cryed a bit as well. It just makes it so much easier to have these sessions with someone who seems to care. Lol all in all I wish the session hadnt ended, I cant believe I'm looking forward to the next one. Fuck, maybe things are starting to turn around :).

This is very good news! People care more than you can dare to think, but way too many don't know how to approach you.

There will be more ups and downs. Life will never be easy, just easier if you work on it ;)

All the best to you! You're not alone here as you can see :) Never again think that you're alone, cause you're simply not! It's hard to ask anyone for help with mental problems cause it's so friggin personal..but yay for you! You've found someone that can help you. That's something that often can take a while...but you've done it. I hope you manage to keep on working with this and don't give up. :notworthy
I was reading a similar thread on a different forum a few years ago. This guy was talking about ways to deal with self harm. He said when he got the urge to cut he would run to the freezer and get out 2 ice cubes, hold one in each hand and squeeze them until they were completely melted. The end result was cold hands but all skin intact. Give it a try if you like.

Yeah, this is actually a good way to do it. I've heard about it before, but never seen anyone use it yet. Just heard good things about it. :)