Mental illness- is it real?

I have my doubts. While there may be people who suffer from bona fide mental afflictions, in this day and age mental illness is used as a crutch, or as an excuse to explain personal failings and shortcomings. Everyone is popping Prozac and visiting the friendly neighbourhood shrink, it seems. Are we, as a society, going overboard by misdiagnosing and overdiagnosing?

Depression is the biggest sham since Jesus. By latching onto this alleged illness-- apparently the 21st century equivalent in terms of potency to the Black Plague-- we are growing collectively feeble as a society. So many people nowadays are unable to solve problems and overcome problems because they are 'depressed'. If they'd not been labelled as such, but instead taught how to confront and overcome problems, they'd be much better off.
Pull yourself up by your proverbial bootstraps!
Stop moaning!
Take that baby blue bathrobe off, throw on some trousers, and get out of the house!
You are NOT depressed--- you're fucking lazy!
I won't send any pity your way, you 'mentally ill' hobgoblin!

What is WRONG with this younger generation?
"Boo-Hoo. I am sad. I cry, and can't get out of bed."
I miss the stoicism of the previous generation...
Victor Meldrew said:
I have my doubts. While there may be people who suffer from bona fide mental afflictions, in this day and age mental illness is used as a crutch, or as an excuse to explain personal failings and shortcomings. Everyone is popping Prozac and visiting the friendly neighbourhood shrink, it seems. Are we, as a society, going overboard by misdiagnosing and overdiagnosing?

Depression is the biggest sham since Jesus. By latching onto this alleged illness-- apparently the 21st century equivalent in terms of potency to the Black Plague-- we are growing collectively feeble as a society. So many people nowadays are unable to solve problems and overcome problems because they are 'depressed'. If they'd not been labelled as such, but instead taught how to confront and overcome problems, they'd be much better off.
Pull yourself up by your proverbial bootstraps!
Stop moaning!
Take that baby blue bathrobe off, throw on some trousers, and get out of the house!
You are NOT depressed--- you're fucking lazy!
I won't send any pity your way, you 'mentally ill' hobgoblin!

What is WRONG with this younger generation?
"Boo-Hoo. I am sad. I cry, and can't get out of bed."
I miss the stoicism of the previous generation...
I dunno. I didnt particularly enjoy panic attacks and being confined to the house for days on end. There was no "boo fucking hoo" about that and I sorted it out myself without going to the doctor or whinging to people around me. Didnt have a bathrobe either :(
im gonna talk about only one aspect of this topic.

the reason is sooo obvious and simple, victor.

all this is because people are full. they are full of food, full of art, full of music, full of money...

one of the highest suicide rates is in sweden...and guess what, their yearly income and level of welfare are much higher than a great percentage of all the countries...see any link?

if these people knew what poverty was, or say they lived in a country where they had to work their ass off for food...then they would know the true value of life.
well, i only want to say one thing on this: if you truly think all depressed ppl are posers or spoiled, well, i hope you'll never have to reconsider due to own experience.

fuck this makes me so mad i can't even think how to say this in a proper english sentence!
Strangelight said:
I dunno. I didnt particularly enjoy panic attacks and being confined to the house for days on end. There was no "boo fucking hoo" about that and I sorted it out myself without going to the doctor or whinging to people around me. Didnt have a bathrobe either :(
when were that, what caused that then, Duncan lad?
Don Corleone said:
im gonna talk about only one aspect of this topic.

the reason is sooo obvious and simple, victor.

all this is because people are full. they are full of food, full of art, full of music, full of money...

one of the highest suicide rates is in sweden...and guess what, their yearly income and level of welfare are much higher than a great percentage of all the countries...see any link?

if these people knew what poverty was, or say they lived in a country where they had to work their ass off for food...then they would know the true value of life.

If you knew about Sweden (lived there your whole life, for example), and knew some about the state of the "level of welfare" that you talk about, then you'd know that it is not paradise spoken of.

Perhaps, compared to Turkey it is (says more about Turkey than Sweden) paradise - but there are cultural aspects, less sunlight hours / day and several other aspects. (the yearly income is eaten up by an obscene tax-pressure, to mention something else)

Generalizing isn't a good idea, imo - even though I understand that it's easy to see it black / white.

I do agree with the fact that not having to struggle to get food, hunt and all of that everyday makes it easier to fall into a (clinical) depression-state.
ah no not me, fair enough like, i can just guess but i know how some things can affect us more than other people realise, and it doesn't show on the outside, it's mostly internal. It's too late for me to try to sound intelligent so i'll go to sleep.

Strangelight said:
stuff that you lot would accuse me of being "just bitter" about so yiz can fuck off :wave:
Gronke said:
I do agree with the fact that not having to struggle to get food, hunt and all of that everyday makes it easier to fall into a (clinical) depression-state.

Ignoring the hunting comment, I'll say this. Most of the world does not hold the concept of "happiness" as a life goal or value...It has no value because for most people who exist, life is too hard and most societies don't base their core existence on attaining "happiness". Without that, sadness is irrelevant.

Only we in the western world, no matter where we are, get to talk about the concepts of happiness and sadness with any seriousness.

Magus can correct me if I'm wrong and i'd accept that.
Depression in the clinical sense is far more than feeling down every now and then. Everyone of us "feels depressed" once in a while; that doesn't mean we suffer from clinical depression.
Depressive disorder exists though and it affects about 16% of the population at one time or another in their lives. There's different kinds of major depressive disorder and various factors involved in its onset, genetic disposition and imbalances in neurotransmitters as well as psychological and other effects.
Stick to the scientific facts instead of accusing every lethargic, melancholic soul out there of simulating and exaggerating. Not every disease manifests itself with a rash or nausea.
nomana-nuniyan said:
Ignoring the hunting comment, I'll say this. Most of the world does not hold the concept of "happiness" as a life goal or value...It has no value because for most people who exist, life is too hard and most societies don't base their core existence on attaining "happiness". Without that, sadness is irrelevant.

Happiness is not a station, it is a method of travelling.
Strangelight said:
I dunno. I didnt particularly enjoy panic attacks and being confined to the house for days on end. There was no "boo fucking hoo" about that
I totally agree with that from my own experiences

Strangelight said:
and I sorted it out myself without going to the doctor or whinging to people around me. Didnt have a bathrobe either :(
good for you, though some people may need a therapist to get their story straight and I think that's fine as well - just as long as they're not adopting the victim attitude but are honest to themselves

Strangelight said:
stuff that you lot would accuse me of being "just bitter" about so yiz can fuck off :wave:
haha :wave:
Bastet said:
well, i only want to say one thing on this: if you truly think all depressed ppl are posers or spoiled, well, i hope you'll never have to reconsider due to own experience.

fuck this makes me so mad i can't even think how to say this in a proper english sentence!


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