Mental illness- is it real?

I've often considered whether a psychiatrist was really just someone who was paid to be a friend and take an interest in your problems, but I wouldn't really know. People I know, who've been to one didn't seem to gain much from it. Better than clairvoyance, nomerology and all that crap though
A professional psychologist (therapist) does not give you ready explanations, though *he makes you realize your own answers by giving you leading questions - or something in that fashion.

A therapist can often be viewed upon as a "friend", I believe.
well being a regular visitor of a youth psychologist back in the days for over a year and a half I can say it wasn't a mere stunt to gain credibility or what ever (i tried to hide the fact as well as I could). yeah, it wasn't about me being clinically depressed or anything (thank god I haven't had to go thru that) but still helped to confront some serious issues, even tho it didn't always feel like that. the guy was more than a paid friend to hear my problems, though it helped to know you were able to vent there as much as you wanted without any of it leaking out, but he also was able to ask the right questions and little by little helping to build something broken inside. still nothing was up for grabs, no easy solutions, the actual work was up to me. if you don't put yourself into it, try to start the process inside, yeah sure you might feel you didn't gain much. lucky for some people who are able to deal with big, sad and dark issues by themselves, others need someone from the outside to help to find the strength to go on. fortunately I live in a world where such help was easy to find and none had the nerves to call me a poser.
you show some courage writing that Crack!
I totally agree with it, therapy is what you make of it
oh, and anyone who thinks having serious depression is just being lazy..i dont know what to say, it makes me so angry. i hope you never will have to go thru that hell to be honest, i dont wish that even to my worst enemy. and what maren says..that everyone feels depressed sometimes, yes, its true, its part of being human. and most of the people can cope with that, and i reckon everyone should understand it. but as an illness, its a totally different thing.
i honestly recommend that the person who started this thread would once in his lifetime visit psychiatric hospital or something like that and then really look himself in the mirror. you obviously have no idea what youre talking about. fuck, im so angry.
Gronke said:
If you knew about Sweden (lived there your whole life, for example), and knew some about the state of the "level of welfare" that you talk about, then you'd know that it is not paradise spoken of.

Perhaps, compared to Turkey it is (says more about Turkey than Sweden) paradise - but there are cultural aspects, less sunlight hours / day and several other aspects. (the yearly income is eaten up by an obscene tax-pressure, to mention something else)

Generalizing isn't a good idea, imo - even though I understand that it's easy to see it black / white.

I do agree with the fact that not having to struggle to get food, hunt and all of that everyday makes it easier to fall into a (clinical) depression-state.
of course you are right. i dont see it black and white, though. but one must definitely see a connection. it IS linked. you put it better than i did in your last sentence: "not having to struggle to get food, hunt and all of that everyday makes it easier to fall into a (clinical) depression-state."
Don Corleone said:
of course you are right. i dont see it black and white, though. but one must definitely see a connection. it IS linked. you put it better than i did in your last sentence: "not having to struggle to get food, hunt and all of that everyday makes it easier to fall into a (clinical) depression-state."

You generalized an awful lot, which is a tad stupid to do - as first of all; you don't even live in Sweden.

If there is a scientific research done on the fact that it is linked, and this research is made through valid methods, then it is all peachy green. I think that when the tummy is full, there are other problems that may surface, yet I bet you can also starve and be depressed too.
In fact, full stomach, no problems :D I mean in a depressed state a lot of people can't eat properly or at all.

*goes to pick up some cookies*

And what is this about "our time" and depression? How the hell do you know about depression in previous centuries?
a tad stupid?
wrong choice of words, gronke. keep them to yourself

the same topic had been discussed in movies like fight club or american beauty.

remember when tyler durden said "the problem with our generation is that we havent had a Great Depression or a big war..." something like that...makes you think, eh?
Dons got a valid point there, theres deffo a connection in a lot of cases. As well as inheriting genes, or random terrible luck, or grief, or taking too many drugs, hanging around the wrong people too long, stress from work, or not being able to handle your girl/boy/husband/wife fucking off from you etc etc. But theres also deffo something about everything being laid on where some people can slip into a bad one (sorry for the slang but I cant be arsed Queens Englishing). Look at how many really rich people/celebs have been totally fucked up and deeply unhappy, whereas its happy days on giro day cos its appreciated. 8 cans of Aldi beer, a quarter, and a couple of trips to Sayers.
I think the topic question ("is it real?") is totally indifferent, its a philosophical one like "is the world real" and such. It won't change anything for anyone.
Don Corleone said:
a tad stupid?
wrong choice of words, gronke. keep them to yourself

It was stupid to talk about a country you haven't (as I can see) lived in. Nothing personal.

Don Corleone said:
the same topic had been discussed in movies like fight club or american beauty.

remember when tyler durden said "the problem with our generation is that we havent had a Great Depression or a big war..." something like that...makes you think, eh?

We have Usama Bin Laden and those now, they'll do fine.